Flinders University Assessment Day

Lauren Buswell, Student Wellbeing Leader

On Friday 20 May, 28 students from year 11 and 12 participated in the Flinders University Assessment Centre. This program is an alternative way of getting into a number of university degrees at Flinders University. 


The students were nervous with not knowing what to expect however as the session started it was great to see the  unique and wonderful conversations that were happening in each of the groups. 


Students also needed to use their creativity skills, having to create on object that was practical and creative. There was a lot of fantastic ‘out of the box’ thinking that occurred and creations that used the allocated small pieces of clay. 


Students will find out late August, early September if they have gained guaranteed entry into some of their chose Flinders University degrees. 


Some quotes from the students are below:


 I liked how it allowed people to show their skills outside of academic situations. (Zane)


 I appreciate the fact they tested our emotional intelligence, not just our academic abilities. (Tahlia)


 I had the joy of seeing other people’s creations and ideating in the groups was pretty good. Even if I don’t get it, it was still great. (Liam)


I thought it was less intimidating than expected. (Bella)


It felt very informal, but this could decide the course of my life. Casual and fun, but also scary. (Tom)


I was well prepared for the clay activity because I enjoyed it and used planning resources from my Psychology class to help me with my idea. (Mez)