Student Pick Up/

Drop Off Reminder


A reminder of the Australian Road Rules expectations with regards to parking outside or near to schools:

  • Vehicles must not stop in a NO STOPPING ZONE, even for a few seconds to pick up your child. This includes a continuous yellow line.
  • Vehicles may stop in a NO PARKING ZONE to immediately pick up or set down a child who is waiting nearby and drive off as soon as possible. You must not park or leave the vehicle.
  • Vehicles must not double park, or stop in the line of traffic, to pick up or drop off a child
  • Vehicles must not stop in a bicycle lane
  • Vehicles must not stop in a Bus Zone
  • Vehicles must not stop within 20 metres before a crossing or 10 metres after a crossing
  • Vehicles must not stop within 10 metres of an intersection or junction without traffic lights
  • Vehicles must not park over driveways
  • Vehicles must not park on the verge

We ask parents and students to be mindful of their behaviour around schools, whether in relation to where they park or the respect shown to school staff and residents around the vicinity of our school.