News from our Principal 

 Mrs Sue Clay 

Dear Parents and Carers,

Since writing the last newsletter in Week 2 we have been fortunate to celebrate a couple of significant events as a school community. Our Mother’s Day liturgy and morning tea was well attended and gave us the opportunity to reflect on the important role mothers, grandmothers and those special women play in our lives. It was so lovely to meet so many of you and experience the joy of being together again. Our Kindergarten students led us in prayer so beautifully and the movie reflection that many of you watched with your children in their classrooms or the hall brought a tear to many eyes! 


We also celebrated the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima on Friday 13th May, with a special Mass led by Fr Anderson in the church. The students participated with reverence and joy and sang with such enthusiasm. It was a special way to acknowledge our patron saint Mary our Mother. May she continue to guide us, nurture us and watch over us as we live out our school motto, “To love and serve under your protection”.


Thank you for joining us for these special events. I may see some of you at our Family Mass on Saturday at 5:30pm. 

Calling all Gardeners !

Our lunch time clubs are proving to be a big hit with the students and there is much excitement in the air each day as they make their way to one of them. If there are any avid gardeners out there (maybe one of our grandparents?) who would like to give up some of their time on a Wednesday to help educate and support our young gardeners please let us know. A one off session to share some gardening tips or a regular arrangement would be much appreciated. Please let the office know if you are interested and we will be in touch.


Mrs Suzanne Clay | Principal