
Film News

'The Twisted Sands of Time' and 'Doomsday', two short films I made last year, have both emerged as semi-finalists in 5 categories of the Student Los Angeles Film Awards (SLAFA)


Based in Hollywood, LA, the SLAFA have 1500-2000 annual international entries with a total of 15-20 semi-finalists per year. They are highly prestigious and it is a great privilege to receive this surprising accolade from them.


Both these films, which were also screened at the Canberra Short Film Festival last year and which some of you may have already watched, can be found here and here respectively. The Twisted Sands of Time is a short non-fiction film based on the concept of time reversal, while Doomsday is a short call-for-action on climate change. 


The accolades are as follows.

  • The Twisted Sands of Time: 
    • BEST MUSIC for Student Film - Semi-finalist (soundtrack found here - may need to be downloaded for the file to work)
    • BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY for Student Film - Semi-finalist
  • Doomsday:
    • BEST EDITING for Student Film - Semi-finalist
    • BEST EXPERIMENTAL Student Film - Semi-finalist

Two provided promotional posters have also been attached in this email. 

This entry was also completely random and the results are a genuine surprise. As for this year, three new films have been entered into various other competitions - I will share any news as it arrives.


At JMSS, I have certainly felt more encouraged than earlier to continue my passions for both the cinematic arts and STEM, and I would like to thank you all for being truly inspiring teachers.


By Himalaya Joshi

Astronomy Sky Country

Gomeroi astrophysicist, radio host, OFA Young Professional of the Year ‘21, ESV Teacher and now Author!

Congratulations to our friend and colleague, Krystal De Napoli on her book - Astronomy Sky Country


Her book can be found at all book stores, Big W and also online -

Margaret Gardner Visit

On Monday 20th June, Vice-Chancellor of Monash University, Margaret Gardner AC visited JMSS and our school captains were lucky enough to take a tour with her. 

Afterwards she gave an inspirational talk and Q & A session with our staff.

Reef & Rainforest Trip

Students and staff have made it safely to the sunny Cairns.


While Melbourne was suffering through a very icy beginning to Winter our year 11 JMSS students were soaking up the sun in tropical Cairns on the annual Reef and Rainforest Trip. 


Throughout the two weeks students and staff will experience all that Northern Queensland has to offer, including travelling on four mini trips to Fitzroy Island, the Outer Reef, the Tablelands and the Daintree rainforest. 


Enjoy! We all look forward to hearing all about it on your return.

Regional Exchange

Thank you to all JMSS families, staff and students for welcoming the Term 2 Regional Science Exchange students with open arms. They were a terrific bunch of students who really enjoyed their time here and loved making friendships.


We have a new group of 10 students starting in Term 3 (18 July - 5 August, 2022) who are equally just as excited and nervous about their JMSS journey.

Thank you again to the JMSS families who have offered homestays to this group. We could not run the program with out your generosity! 


Thank you.