Junior School
The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go. Dr. Seuss
As a teacher, this would have to be one of my all-time favourite quotes from children's literature. Not only can reading take you on an incredible imaginary journey, but it can also have startling impacts on academic results. As parents, reading is one of the single greatest things we can do with our children to give them the best opportunities and head start in their education. It is staggering to read the statistics regarding the achievements and difference reading makes to a child.
The infographic below shows the incredible difference just 20 minutes of reading can make to children's language development. It may feel hard to find 20 minutes each day to read with your child, but the cost of not doing this is far too great. Children who read for just 20 minutes per day see 1.8 million words each year. Compare this with the child who is reading for just one minute per day, they only see 8,000 words each year. A small amount of reading each day makes an incredible difference! (Nagy and Herman, 1987) This exposure has massive implications on a child's literacy development which flows into all curriculum areas. In Junior School, most of the time allocated to homework is given to reading. This is because it is a crucial part of the academic development of primary school students. If there is one thing I would encourage you to do with your child tonight, it is to read a book!
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work 2 Timothy 3:16-17.
One way to help your child's academic progress and their spiritual development is to read God's Word with them daily. As they say, two birds, one stone. One of my favourite Bible texts for children is The Jesus Storybook Bible. This beautifully illustrated Bible invites you and your child into the story of God's Never Stopping, Never Giving up, Unbreaking, Always and Forever Love. Although Adam and Eve brought sin into the world, we have a hope due to the incredible rescue plan that God determined before the beginning of time.
Students across Junior School relished the opportunity to hear a book being read to them last week at the National Simultaneous Storytime. They packed the Junior School theatre during recess and enjoyed listening to the storybook Family Tree by Josh Pyke. Mrs Sernio and Mrs Kirby-Beach got into the action, dressing up as adorable trees for the event. A massive THANK YOU to Mrs Sernio and all the teachers who gave their time to make this a memorable event for our students.
What fun it was to attend Buddy Chapel on Thursday 26 May. Joy and expectation were buzzing around LMC as students walked in and sat with their Buddies during Chapel last week. Thank you to all our incredible Junior School staff who spent time and energy planning and running this special service. We were blessed to gather and celebrate God and our strong sense of community.
Dates for your diary
Please be reminded that Monday 13 June is the Queen's Birthday public holiday. In addition, Friday 10 June is Report Writing Day and students will not be required at school.
Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress; I shall not be shaken. My salvation and my honour depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge. Psalm 62:5-8
Amy Liddle
Head of Junior School
What Did You Do at School Today?
This term in Integrated Studies, Preps have been learning about the concept of ‘change’. They have been making detailed observations as they watch their bean change over time. Preps have been fascinated by how the bean has developed into a mini plant. Here you can see Connor (Prep B) showing us how his bean has changed. In Mathematics, students have been exploring the concept of position. They have learnt how to describe the position of an object. Here you can see Elvina (Prep B) demonstrating the position of the dog ‘on’ the chair.
Year 1 and Year 2
We are so excited to be able to have a share space within the Year 1 and 2 building, where we can learn together. Last week, on Worship Wednesday, all five classes joined together for a fabulous time of singing and fellowship. Mr K played the guitar, we sang joyously and performed the actions! One of our favourite songs is My Lighthouse, showcasing how God lights the way in the challenging times. We look forward to many more shared experiences in our building!
Year 3
Recently, we have been spending some time exploring the theme of friendship. What does a good friend look like? What do I look for when making new friends? With an outward focus on others and showing empathy, we are learning to be great friends to each other. Parents, when you pick us up after school, how about asking us one of the following questions:
- Who did you sit next to at lunchtime?
- What did you do to make someone smile today?
- Tell me something that made you laugh today?
- What was one of your successes today?
We cannot wait to tell you how we are being great friends to each other.
Year 4
Yee Haw! We had an AMAZING time at Mill Valley Ranch! Miss Berry and Miss Newton were so proud to see us step out of our comfort zones and try all sorts of new activities, from horse riding and archery, to simply spending a night away from home. Despite the cold weather, we were able to rug up and go exploring out in nature to discover different plants and animals, and even learn a little bit of Mill Valley’s history. Between all the delicious food and fun activities, Pastor Matt introduced us to the ‘Circle’ game, which is much harder than it looks! Perhaps you should ask us to show you how to draw a circle and see if you can figure out the secret! We returned from camp exhausted, but with hearts full of laughter and fun. What a blessing it was to share such wonderful adventures!
Year 5
What a busy two weeks it has been! Amid the NAPLAN and end of semester assessments, there has been a buzz of excitement as we were preparing for our camp with the Year 6s to Sovereign Hill. It was great fun orientating ourselves to the time of the Gold Rush and learning about the lives and backgrounds of different immigrants. This was in preparation for the role play we will be participating in at camp. You will have to wait for the next issue of The Vine to read all about it. We have also started to research an influential person in Australian History. Later in the term, we will pretend to be the person during our Museums in Motion presentation. This will certainly be another highlight for us!
Year 6
What a tremendous week we’ve had! We have each been allocated an influential person to research who has shaped the history of Australia. How remarkable to understand more about their life and how what they did changed the course of our nation forever. Furthermore, our classrooms have been buzzing with excitement in preparation for our camp to Sovereign Hill. We look forward to sharing our golden experiences with the school community!