Around the College

Canteen News
Just a reminder that mobile phones are not permitted during school time and therefore the Canteen is no longer able to accept payments by mobile phones as per school mobile policy.
All payments must be paid by either cash or by card.
As of Term 2, for us to increase the efficiency of the canteen service queue, we will not be taking any more handwritten lunch orders over the counter, unless it is for a special dietary requirement lunch order.
All lunch orders will now need to be placed through our online system. Please go to or to the app store to download the spriggy app.
Once you have set up your account you will be able to order your child’s lunch and see our weekly menu. You can order prior to the day and up until 8am the morning of and up to one week in advance.
By pre ordering online the student can then collect their lunch via a special window and skip the queue. It also gives parents the peace of mind that their children have a healthy lunch for the day.
Once again, we thank you for your ongoing support.
School Improvement Team
Report to the Community
On the 7th of April, the DSC’s School Improvement Team (SIT) celebrated our accomplishments for term 1.
Mr Leung and Ms Annavarapu who are a part of the Leading Teachers team, led the final SIT meeting of the term discussing about professional learning communities (PLCs) and how they have been implemented throughout student’s learning. These teachers who had presented, along with other teachers who were unable to attend the meeting, Ms Skennar and Ms Stewart, have shared their findings and ways they can further improve PLCs through all sub schools.
During the meeting, an activity was arranged involving student leaders and the principal team to collaborate on the perspectives we had around assessments. Each member of the board was allocated to a group where the importance of ’assessments’ were emphasised through personal experiences as well as ways can combated in relation to current concerns. Mr Leung, who was in charge of overseeing the process in Middle School, utilised a joint platform for ideas to be shared for positive learning.
The afterparty was held in the conference room at lunch time for the hard work student leaders and teachers had put in during the term. Food and drinks were provided Ms Rohrlach from Administration and was very much appreciated by everybody!
Student representatives: Berry Eain & Nathan Cheung
Student Clubs at DSC
With COVID restrictions easing, we can now begin to re-ignite our College-based student clubs and activities. Involvement in these is an example of how students can make constructive use of their time. Constructive use of time is one of the external developmental assets which identifies the importance of students taking on opportunities to develop new skills and interests with other students and adults.
Below is a list of clubs that have started up again. We do expect more clubs and activities to open up as the year progresses.
ASX Club
Teacher: Justin Crane
For Senior students however students in lower year levels interested in joining can contact Mr Crane.
Badminton Club
Teacher: Ning Zhang
Fridays 3.30 - 4.30pm in the Stadium
BYO racket and shuttle cock
Breakfast Club
Staff: Katie Mills
Fridays 8.15 - 8.55am
Drama Club
Teacher: Rohan Johnson
Friday lunchtimes
Performance Centre
Year 7s only at this point
The Green Team
For creative environmentalists!
Teacher: Janelle Farley
Tuesday lunchtimes
W-Block, Year 7 students
Homework Club
Thursdays 3.30 - 4.30pm
A-Block, all students
Rainbow Collective
Staff: Katie Mills
A place to meet and discuss LGBTQIA+ opportunities and activities
Friday lunchtimes
C-Block, all students
Teachers: Sarah Millard & Tass Sgardlis
Wednesday lunchtimes
G6, all students
VCAL Learning & Support
Teacher: Ramya Annavarapu
Mondays 3.30 - 4.30pm
Senior Centre