This week at Intensive Ms Warden has been lamb marking some of our dorper lambs enabling some students to catch up on assessments. 


On the poultry scene we are still planning to change our egg production system from barn style to free range however we are still patiently awaiting the arrival of our chicken caravan which has been caught up in some transport issues.  The College is also in the process of purchasing 10 weaner pigs from Morawa Ag to be grown out and used for rations.


Our beef A.I programme is still continuing with Mr Millichamp and students having to endure a couple of cold mornings mustering beef cattle at 6am in readiness for mating.


Our fine wool Merino ewes commenced lambing this week.  Mr Adams has been keeping a close eye on his ewes and lambs making sure all is well.


Every year the College has the opportunity to apply for funding from the Agricultural Machinery Trust Fund for large items of equipment (up to six items). We are currently going through a process with all staff to identify our trust submissions for 2022.

"My mum makes a good hoof rest"
"My mum makes a good hoof rest"


Geoff Howell, Paul Dyson and all the Farm Staff