Principal's Report

Acting Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders  


Principal’s Welcome

What a lovely day to meet and greet with our 2022 families on Tuesday. The weather was magnificent, and we all enjoyed touring around this beautiful school and interacting with many staff and students. Thank you to our Foundation staff, Matt and our school leaders for making this experience a positive one for all. Welcome to our new families, students and friends and we look forward to seeing you all again during Transition in Term 4. 



We have several students riding their bikes/scooters without a helmet and taking risks at the roundabouts. Please have a chat with your child about ensuring their safety. Helmets are compulsory when riding bikes and scooters. 


Safety of our community is of the utmost importance to us. 


Please do not enter the service driveway into the main entrance of the school. This driveway is for the ETRSS buses. This is not for our school community to use during pick-up and drop off times. Unfortunately, the Specialist School buses are experiencing times where they are blocked from entering and or exiting this driveway. Specialist School staff will ask you to move or relocate your vehicle in this event. You will notice cones as reminder not to enter at these times. We thank you for your consideration and co-operation with this. 



We currently have several students beginning to wear black or coloured bottoms and non-uniform jumpers (eg. track suit pants, shorts or leggings, hoodies, or jumpers) to school. Please ensure your child is in correct uniform each day. This includes navy blue bottoms and the tops with the school logo on it. If you require support with uniform, please don't hesitate to contact us. 




A big congratulations to all our Year 3 and 5 students who participated in NAPLAN testing last week. All students should be proud of how they approached the testing schedule, and we are confident that they all gave it their best shot.




We have several students in P-6 unwell at school. The students have presented with either cold like symptoms or gastro symptoms. If your child becomes unwell at school, we will call home immediately for collection. We appreciate your support with this. 

If children present with gastro or cold like symptoms, please support us in not spreading it to other students by keeping children home. We thank you in advance. 


National Simultaneous Story Time 2022

Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. This is the 22nd year of National Simultaneous Story Time. ETRS students celebrated the day by reading the “Family Tree!” book written and illustrated by Josh Pyke and Ronojoy Ghosh. A special guest read the book to the students. We hope you enjoyed this story.


Attitudes to School Survey

In the next few weeks students in Years 4-6 will be completing the Attitudes to School survey in class. This survey is conducted annually in Term 2 and aims to collect data in relation to how our students are feeling about school and their learning. 


Respect, Inclusion, Resilience, Responsibility (Academic Excellence) 


Enjoy the weekend!


Julie Hommelhoff                  Matt Saunders

Acting Principal                     Assistant Principal