
Catholic Education Week @ St Luke’s June 20th - June 24th 

Catholic Education Week this year for Sandhurst began on the 1st of May. We look forward to celebrating Catholic Education Week in Week 9 at St Luke’s. 

During Catholic Education Week, we give thanks for the Education we offer and receive in Australia.  


‘Walk in Solidarity’ Friday 27th May 2:30pm

This year, as a fundraiser for Caritas Australia and Project Compassion, our school community will be holding a ‘Walk in Solidarity’. This is a good way for us to learn about communities living everyday in poverty, as well as an opportunity for us as a school to get involved and raise money.


Our ‘Walk in Solidarity’ event will take place on Friday 27th May from 2:30 pm till 3:00 pm. We will walk together around our school oval, in order to experience what it is like to do this everyday to get basic items for daily living.


As a way of raising money for Caritas, we ask on the day for a gold coin donation per child.  This also is a great way of supporting the children as they participate in our ‘Walk for Solidarity.’


Our walk will be held here at school and we invite parents/grandparents to come and join us for this event – even join in with the walking to support this worthy cause.


Project Compassion Boxes Thank you to families who have returned their Project Compassion boxes, after our ‘Walk in Solidarity’ Project Compassion will come to an end. If you have a box at home you are welcome to return this to the Office. Once again thank you for your fundraising and supporting Project Compassion. 


May the Month of Mary

It’s the month we honour Blessed Virgin Mary as the Mother of Jesus and our Heavenly Mother. Devotion to Mary is an important part of the Catholic identity. As our Mother she is an example of a committed “Yes” to the will of God. Because of the devotion to her, many people ask her for help in the most difficult moments of their life as any child does with their mother.

Source: Catholic Faith Store


Breanna Levesque. 

Religious Education Leader.