Art Room News

Creativity takes courage. Henri Matisse

Hello RHPS Artists,


What a big term it has been in the art room….cupcakes, colour mixing, mice making, painting, drawing, paper mache galore……and we still have more to make and create in these last two weeks…


The Prep students were introduced to artist and illustrator Eric Carle this week and learnt all about how he made his painted paper. The preps used a range of tools to create an array of beautiful painted papers and followed these up with painting backgrounds for the chickens we will be cutting out next week. Our cutting skills will get a big workout as we make pictures just like Eric Carle.

Our Grade 1 and 2 artists have almost all completed their absolutely amazing Peter Rabbit and Hairy Maclary characters. The students need to be commended on their creativity and persistence to work on such a big art piece, which has taken many weeks and included a large range of skills. They are all extremely creative and unique.


A BIG CONGRATULATIONS needs to go out to Jaz in grade 5/6T and Nero in 3/4K!

Jaz won the Mooroolbark Festival Colouring Competition and Nero came 3rd.

They both did a beautiful job and are well deserving winners. 

Enjoy spending your prize money Jaz and Nero!!!!!


Next term it is the senior schools turn in the art room. It is going to be VERY messy. Please send along a NAMED smock for their class art smock tub. We are going to need them!


Have a wonderful week ahead.

Keep Creating,

Mrs. Granger