School News 

Prep News

What a huge two weeks it has been for us at school. We’ve had the excitement of the STOMP concert and a community visit from a Paramedic, where we got to check out an Ambulance! We met our Buddies, had some Smile Run fun and participated in our first ever whole school Athletics Carnival! 

Athletics Day
Slime Run!
Ambulance Visit
Ambulance Visit
Ambulance Visit
Athletics Day
Slime Run!
Ambulance Visit
Ambulance Visit
Ambulance Visit

In between all that we have still managed to kick major goals in our learning.


In Spelling, we are well into our second phase of letters and sounds and we’re working super hard to remember and read all the common words.


In Reading, we’ve been taking our letter and sound knowledge from spelling to blend and segment words whilst practising our reading strategies such as using the pictures and beginning and end sounds to decode unfamiliar words. 


Writing recounts has become a favourite part of our day, especially as we’ve had some really exciting events to write about. We’ve been taking the time to include important details such as who, what, when and where an event occurred. Check out some of our awesome writing below!

Recount writing
Recount writing
Recount writing
Recount writing
Recount writing
Recount writing
Recount writing
Recount writing

Maths has been focussed on consolidating our understanding of numbers to 10 and just this week we’ve began learning about patterns. We’ve been exploring the patterns that we see in everyday life as well as creating patterns with a range of different materials from around the classroom.  


It’s hard to believe we’re a week away from the end of term 1. When we take a moment to reflect 3 words pop into our minds: pride, connection and community (and maybe tired!).  


The Prep Team

Alarna Creed, Allie Harrison and Elyce Munnecke

Level 1 & 2 News

The Level 1&2 students have had a very busy and exciting two weeks of learning!


The children have been learning new strategies to assist them with unknown words in their independent reading and are now focussing on reading with good pacing, fluency and expression. 


The students have been writing creative diary entries from different perspectives. They have used thier imaginations to write from the perspective of animals, insects, pencils, rubbers and even the Covid Virus!


In Maths, the children have been improving their understanding of a range of addition strategies and are now focussing on Time as a unit of measurement. 


Our Places and Spaces Inquiry unit has seen the students busily planning, designing and making their model buildings. They are loving this 'hands on' part of their learning. 


The children have enjoyed participating in some amazing extra curricular activites. They loved meeting up with their Buddies for Morning Tea. The STOMP performances, Slime Run, Working Bee and Athletics Carnival were roaring successes and it was wonderful to see the students embrace new learning opportunities. 


We would like to thank the teachers who organised these events and the parents who ensured their success by supporting them. 


We would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a fabulous weekend and well deserved holiday next week!

The Level 1/2  Team

Daena Hailey, Kayla Hartrick, Mykaela Oakley, Llinos Poole and Tim Wilson 

 Level 3 & 4 News

WOW! What a busy and exciting two weeks we have had in 3/4. We have had the Slime Run and the whole school Athletics Carnival which was a blast.

The 3/4 students have been having a great time learning about artefacts and then designing their own artefacts using the 3D printing design software Tinkercad. The designs that the students have been making have been great. 








Level 5 & 6 News


Recently in the grade 5/6 we’ve been busy doing lots of fun, productive and exciting activities. 


On Tuesday the 29th of March, RHPS had our annual Athletics day, we had great fun and almost everyone participated in all our sports activities. Our amazing P.E. [physical health] teacher Mrs. Layton put in so much effort to make our excursion a day of fun and memories. A highlight of the day was the staff v.s student relay race, the staff won by a mile! 


We started off the day with the classic 800m race [a.k.a. two laps of the athletics track]. Also, our athletics day was held at Yarra Hills Secondary. It’s been an awesome week of sport for 5/6s! 


Also, you would have heard that a state MP of the labour party kindly paid a visit to our school to talk about her experience in politics, because our current focus/ criteria in inquiry is to learn about making democracy she told us about her passions in politics and that how when she was a child, she loved to debate that lead to her dream job as a politician. She works for the labour party in the upper house, and has participated in these subjects: 

  1. Emergency services 
  2. Office of the Victorian work place rights
  3. Parliamentary secretary for mental heath
  4. Creative industry
  5. Equality
  6. Secretary for water
  7. Digital government

She also inspired us to follow our dreams and go for our dream job, and never give up! Our Inquiry learning this term has been full of real world and interesting information about our Australian Political System. 

On the 31st of march we participated in the year 5/6 summer round robin [even though it isn’t quite summer] it was a day of great fun and in tennis and volleyball we even won the grand finale! Go Rolling Hills! The other sports that you could participate in were cricket and softball. In softball we made it to the grand finale but lost by 2 points! But whether we won a game, or lost one, everyone had a fantastic time. 

By Elinor, Grace, Wyatt and Lily