
0ne-two-rful 1/2s
Term 2 Week 2 2022 - Friday 6th May
What have we been up to?
Term 2 is here! Welcome back to all our students and parents, what a busy start it has been! Firstly, the 1/2 teaching team would like to thank all our parent helpers that have provided their support during swimming, making it an easier transition into the term.
Over the past fortnight the students have been working hard in their Reading, Writing and Maths lessons. In Reading and Writing, students have begun to explore descriptive texts. They have been learning lots of adjectives that help them to describe people, places and things - helping to foster a connection with the world around them. In Maths, students are having lots of fun in our measurement and geometry unit, using objects in the classroom to help them learn about the length and mass of objects.
The 1/2 teaching team are looking forward to seeing the students grow and glow over term 2 as we have a jam packed schedule in this short 9 week term. Thank you again for all your support and understanding as the students have settled into a busy start to the term.
Happy Mothers and Special persons day to all our amazing Mums, Grandmas, Nanna’s, Aunties and special people - we hope you have a great weekend!
Here are some photo highlights from the fortnight that was!
1/2 A
Measuring in Maths using informal units
We learnt about the importance of Earth Day and made an earth collage out of coloured paper!
What is coming up?
Over the next fortnight, the 1/2 students will continue exploring descriptive language, using different books to identify adjectives that will also help them to make connections to their writing. Students will also continue working in small groups during reading rotations, where they will complete a range of activities that focus on their word knowledge, sentence building and comprehension skills.
In the next two weeks, students will start to bring together their knowledge of descriptive texts, and showcase this through whole class joint writing construction. It will be interesting to see what the students create as they continue to identify the characteristics of the different things in their world.
In the fortnight to come, students will finish off their measurement and geometry unit by exploring the capacity of different objects. Following this, the 1/2 students will then begin learning about time and how to tell the time.
Inquiry & Science
After a busy two weeks swimming, students will commence their inquiry and science unit that focuses on the big idea ‘Then and Now’. In this unit students will get the opportunity to explore things from the past, how they were and what they look like now. This will be an exciting, hands on experience and the students will be looking forward to reporting what they have learnt in the coming weeks.
Important reminders:
- Please don’t forget to bring in your hats and water bottles as we have had and will be having more hot days.
- Please remember to pack your Spelling Homework books in your bag every Monday and bring your readers to school every day.
- If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child's classroom teacher through Compass or via the school email and it will be passed on to them.
- Specialist Days - Monday - Health, Art/Cultural Studies & Music Wednesday - PE & Art/Cultural Studies