Spectacular 5/6

Grade 5/6
Term 2 Week 2 2022 - Friday 6th of May 2022
Message from the Teacher:
Welcome to Term 2 everyone! It has been a crazy and busy return to school, with heaps of things going on. The kids have been working through the swimming program and they should be proud of how organised they are with all of their swimming equipment. Unfortunately, the swimming program has fragmented a lot of what we have been doing in the classroom, but I have been pleased with the positive and enthusiastic attitude everyone has been coming to school with and how diligently they have worked to complete what has been assigned to them.
What we have been doing:
We started back on Tuesday the 27th of April. We were all excited to see each other again and had lots of fun working together and hanging out with our friends again. Our Swimming Program started on Wednesday. Every day, we have been getting on the bus with the 1/2s, which also gave us the opportunity to be leaders and help the younger kids. Once at the pool we had our swimming assessments done and were put into groups. On Friday last week, we had our Water Safety Day. We had to wear casual clothes and were faced with all kinds of different scenarios, such as saving people, being stranded in the middle of water or falling into a pool. We learnt a lot.
On Friday at 2.15, our Anzac Day Assembly took place. It was fully led by us, the 5/6s. All grades planted their poppies and everybody who wanted got to speak about family members that were Anzacs. The whole school treated the Assembly with the respect and calmness it deserved and we did a great job of running it.
On Wednesday the 3rd of May, we were invited to Cheltenham Secondary to be in a robotics competition against other schools. We had to make a course for the robots to follow, using different coloured in blocks for them to read and be guided by. One of Le Page’s teams was amongst the winning teams, and we had a lot of fun. A big thank you to Cheltenham Secondary for having us!
By Sophie and Alana
Learning Intentions for Term 2:
Reading: Book Club has started again this week and will continue running through term 2. Each week will have a specific focus; characters, setting, etc and I would encourage them to have a conversation with with a family member each week before their book club session.
Writing: This term has a focus on story writing, with a focus on character description, creative and appropriate language and story structure.
Maths: In Maths we have just begun our unit on addition and subtraction and will approach this topic in a variety of different ways to ensure understanding by everybody in the class.
Inquiry: We will begin our exploration of mankind’s footprint on this planet and how it affects plants, animals and the weather.
Pictures of the Week
Cheltenham High School Coding Challenge
Important reminders
- Hats are not compulsory during Terms 2 and 3