Fantastic 3/4

Year 3-4
Term 2 Week 1 and Week 2
The 3/4 teachers would like to welcome back all the parents and students to Term 2. The students have started the term so enthusiastically and we can’t wait to see what this term brings.
What have we been up to?
In Literacy, students have focused on a narrative of their choice based on a picture prompt. The student’s ideas have been so creative. They have independently placed adjectives, verbs, and nouns throughout their texts to describe their characters, settings, and structure.
Not only have the students been focusing on narrative writing, but they have also been engaging in persuasive texts. In this text type, the students were given the topic ‘animals should/shouldn’t be caged.’ The students chose a side, came up with reasons on why they chose their particular side, wrote a plan, and put their plan into action by writing an independent persuasive text. The student’s texts were so convincing, we loved how they used and remembered their persuasive language.
In Maths, students have been introduced to a new concept. This concept was measurement. The students were introduced to new measurement tools which they were able to use in mathematical activities. During these activities, the students were able to go outside and measure the length of certain lines, as well as the student’s feet in their class and place their lengths in order from smallest to largest. The students also learned about areas in week 2 and learned how to create different shapes in their books with the same area. We extended the student’s knowledge further by introducing them to the area formula and with this, they were excited to work out the area of large shapes in the schoolyard.
In the last 2 weeks, the 3/4s students have come together to create their class WIGS. This term we will be focusing on numeracy as a whole school focus. Students have also created an individual goal on a topic in maths where they want to improve, as well as their own personal WIG. Students will begin tracking their WIGS in week 3, we look forward to seeing their process and achievements throughout the term.
Just a few reminders for our students and families:
- NAPLAN will be starting for grade 3 students on Tuesday 10th May and will continue till Friday 13th May. Please make sure the students arrive at school on time.
- Thursday 12 May - District Cross Country. Good luck to all the students who will be attending!
- Homework for Term 2. Each week on Monday, students will bring home their homework. We ask that each night students complete a look, say, cover, write, check for their 8 chosen words, read for 20 minutes a night, and complete 1-3 My Numeracy activities, as well as an Essential Reading task. Please have students bring in their purple homework folder every Friday.
What is coming up?
Reading/Writing In the next two weeks, the students will be focusing on information reports and deconstructing different types of texts.
Maths Next term in Maths, the students will be learning about temperature, volume and MASS.
In Science, students will be wondering about the world in relation to plants and animals. They will be sorting out the differences between plants and animals based on the characteristics of each one. Finally, in Inquiry the students will be learning about the importance of the environment to animals and people and the ways in which they can be protected.
Here are some photos of what we have been up to over the last two weeks:
Niamh and Isabella learning some life skills by doing some cooking.
Both girls enjoyed eating their work and illustrated and wrote about what they had accomplished.