Specialists - Visual Arts 


Thank you to all the students who have come along to art this week wearing their smocks. It’s been great to see so many organised people!


We do not have spare smocks in the art room, so to keep your uniform clean you need your own smock.


Students will be able to keep their smocks at school in their classrooms.


Stores such as Target and Kmart may sell smocks. Smocks can also be purchased from BELEZA SCHOOL UNIFORMS. Please clearly NAME your child's smock.


BELEZA artsmocks $14 each
BELEZA artsmocks $14 each

If you are unable to find a suitable commercial smock, a large shirt which has been altered to fit ie arms shortened, will be fine. Anything to keep expensive uniforms clean.


Thank you,

Deirdre Bleicher

Visual Arts co-ordinator