Principal's Message

Term 1 Week 2 2022

Welcome Back Everyone!

Huge shout out to all of our beautiful families who have been so positive in the face of so many changes and already responded to the short notice RAT's email. Thank you! (It was actually great to see so many of you and hear that you have had good breaks.)

The RAT's that were not picked up have been sent home today with students.

Visiting each class today has been amazing, students are settled and getting used to our new times for lunch and recess. Specialist classes started today as well. We are looking forward to being able to stay teaching onsite and having the best year of learning ever.. 

As always as we navigate COVID and household contacts and the isolation periods this will be treated with sensitivity across the school and in classes. Thank you to everyone for notifying the school through the school email.

Bullyzero Parent Information Session

We would like to invite you to join us in a webinar on bullying prevention with a strong emphasis on cyberbullying and cybersafety presented by Louise Poulson from Bullyzero. The online information session will include;

- signs and symptoms of bullying 

- popular apps and games online

- harmful/inappropriate online material

- setting realistic rule/boundaries at home


This parent information session supports our work as an eSmart accredited school and we strongly believe that by working together as a whole school community we can support our students to be safe online. 

When: Thursday 3rd February 2022

Time: 7:00pm – 8:00pm

Where: Zoom Please click the link to register

Cost: Free to Mount Pleasant Road Primary School parents/carers

Bullyzero will also be running sessions for our students in Years 3-6 which will make up part of our Cybersafety Day where students will learn about being safe online and using their iPads appropriately at school. 

Permission Notes and Information

Today an information information regarding Consent Forms  will be published on Sentral. Please read carefully and then sign the consent form through Sentral by Friday 11th February at the latest so that we can provide the best care and your child is able to participate in all school activities fully. You can find more information regarding Parent Payments on the 'Important Information' page. 

2022 Calendar

The dates for the month are always on the calendar on the front page of this newsletter. Please check the front of the newsletter each week or you can access the full calendar through Sentral. 

Parent Teacher Interviews/Three Way Conferences

Foundation ‘Get to Know You’ Parent Teacher Interviews are in Week 4, starting 14th February. These interviews will be face to face in your child's classroom. It's important that adults maintain 1.5 m social distancing which can be accommodated in classrooms and with parents/carers attending and leaving as close to their booked times as possible. Checking in via our QR code and being double vaccinated will be required. Bookings for the interviews will open 7th February and close Wednesday 9th February on Sentral 

Year 1 to Year 6 Three Way Conferences are in Week 9, starting 21st March. We are aiming for these to be face to face in classrooms.