OSHClub News
OSHClub News
Welcome back to school everyone! I hope you've all had a wonderful summer break. We have had a busy four weeks of holiday program, filled with activities that have challenged us to learn about and try new things, cooperate and work as a team, and reconnect with our friends.
Leading up to the Christmas holidays, we made our own sock snow people and Elves on the Shelves (some of whom were very naughty!). It was lovely to see how unique each one turned out to be, and the great amount of care and skill that was used to make them.
We ran our own mini colour run, with children taking the lead in designing and marking out the route. Everyone took turns to run the course and to throw colour bombs. For some children, taking part took courage and bravery, while for others it was all about strategy and teamwork.
Our excursion to the Royal Botanic Gardens inspired curiosity and knowledge-sharing as we wandered the gardens. We were very lucky to catch sight of a long neck turtle making its way along the edge of the lake, which we were told is a rare thing to see. During our visit, we worked in teams to build shelters, and we planted our own Marigolds to take home. We also learnt about, and mindfully practised, indigenous values of stepping respectfully on the land and of protecting and nurturing young things.
Our water play day was a great way to cool down on a hot day. Some of us got absolutely saturated! It was also a great activity to learn about and practice consent. We learned that not everyone has the same level of comfort in getting splashed or hit with water balloons and that it is always best to make sure first!
Drop off / Pick Up Procedure
We ask that parents/carers do not come to the door or inside the room.
A drop off/pick up point has been established, which is at a distance from the room but still within our line of sight. An A-frame board has been placed at this point and is labelled with instructions.
Please call the OSHClub program phone when collecting or dropping off children once you arrive at the drop off/pick up point.
Sun Smart Policy
When the UV rating is at 3 or above, all children will need to wear a hat and sunscreen when playing outdoors.
Hats: Please make sure children bring a sun smart hat with them. You are welcome to send along a spare hat, which can be stored at OSHClub in our hat tub.
Sunscreen: Sunscreen provided by the service has a minimum SPF of 30+ as determined by the Cancer Council. We use Coles brand sunscreen. If you're child is sensitive to this brand, please let us know and send an alternative sunscreen with them.
COVID Risk Management
- Masks are to be worn by children in Grades 3-6. Younger children will be encouraged to wear masks.
- The program will be run outdoors at much as possible.
- Social distancing will be encouraged (we may make use of the art room to facilitate this).
- Children will be need to wash their hands when they arrive, as well as before eating. Children's handwashing will be supervised, and effective handwashing practices demonstrated as needed.
- Afternoon tea will be eaten outdoors.
- High touch surfaces will continue to be sanitised with a spray sanitiser and antibacterial wipes before and after each session.
An OSHClub staff member will continue to sign children in and out on the iPad until further notice.
The health and safety of all children in our care remains our top priority. We continue to follow all directives received from the Government to ensure best practice is adhered to in the management of COVID-19. Our COVID-19 Risk Assessment is updated regularly and in-line with government changes, and is available to view on request.
Enrolling Your Child
For new enrolments, please go to www.oshclub.com.au. There you will find the 'Register Your Child' tab under the 'Families' tab. This will take you to the iParent Portal account sign up page. Once signed up, search for Mount Pleasant Road OSHClub under the 'Find a Place' tab and follow the instructions. Once your enrolment is complete it will be forwarded to the service for review.
Cancellation of Bookings
IMPORTANT: If your child is booked in for an after school care session and that booking is no longer required, please cancel the booking on the iParent Portal. If you are cancelling on the day, please contact us on the program phone before 3:15pm.
We are responsible for all children booked into our care. If a child does not arrive to after school care when booked in to attend, we will need to confirm the whereabouts of the child by contacting parents/guardians and emergency contacts. If we cannot successfully do this, it then becomes a missing child incident and will need to be referred to police.
As you can imagine, this can be very stressful!
Thanks for your cooperation by notifying us of any after school care absences moving forward.
Online bookings for each session close 24 hours in advance.
If online bookings have closed, and you would like to make or cancel a booking, please SMS the program phone on 0427 144 945.
OSHClub Program Phone: 0427 144 945
Email: mountpleasantroad@oshclub.com.au
Program Coordinator: Jane Evans
OSHClub Head Office: 1300 395 735