

Students will be given daily opportunities for choice over their writing with lots of modelling by the teacher. This includes choice over their own topics, paper and materials. They will be expected to follow the 5 stages of writing (Rehearsing, Composing, Revising, Editing and Publishing) to complete a writing piece and are encouraged to write the high frequency words we have on our word wall automatically. Practising these words at home will also help them. A big part of writing is thinking of writing idea. At home, you may like to discuss what your child could write about in class the following day or notice the things around your child such as leaves or toys which could become a writing inspiration.

This term it is expected that students will:


Grades 1&2: 

  • Select their own topics to write about, rehearse and plan their message keeping a focus on the purpose for their writing and their intended audience.
  • Spend an extended amount of time writing authentic texts on a daily basis and where possible, practise their goal as discussed during a conference.
  • Understand and follow the stages of writing.