Wellbeing MATTERS!

Wellbeing MATTERS!
My how time passes and how readily our children have settled into the school year.
As a part of our Behaviour Management program, we use the principles and practices of Positive Behaviour in School (PBIS), sometimes known as School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS).
What is Positive Behaviour in School (PBIS)
PBIS is a process that establishes systems and practice for teaching social and behavioural skills which in turn enhances learning and teaching. Schools have a responsibility to provide an education to students in safe and predictable environments. Establishing a positive, proactive, preventative schoolwide set of behavioural expectations is a necessary first step for enabling schools to achieve their goals and responsibilities.
PBIS is an organisational framework, and is not a specific “program”, “model”, “approach”, “tool”, or “specific curriculum”, but a compilation of research-validated and effective practices, interventions, and systems change strategies.
SWPBS provides a framework for:
- Improving the social behavioral climate of schools
- Supporting or enhancing the impact of academic instruction on achievement
- Increasing proactive, positive, preventive management while decreasing reactive management
- Integrating academic and behavior supports
- Improving services for all students, including students at risk and students with identified disabilities or diverse learning needs
What are the Essential Components of PBIS?
The following eight components are vital for a fully embedded PBIS implementation, and operate together in an integrated whole school framework.
The components are:
I. Common Philosophy and Purpose
II. Leadership
III. Clarifying Expected Behaviour
IV. Teaching Expected Behaviour
V. Encouraging Expected Behaviour
VI. Discouraging Inappropriate Behavior
VII. Ongoing Monitoring
VIII. Effective Classroom Practices
Ask your child if they know our four PBIS Pillars, or expectations.
If ever you need help sorting out personal or family issues, give CatholicCare Victoria a call. They offer many services to all members of our community – FREE.
Please see attached flyers for two programs being offered that might be of interest to you.
Tip of the fortnight:
Engage in activities that promote a sense of calm and feeling grounded
Are you taking care of yourself? Try this:
Read a whole chapter of that book you have been meaning to finish forever – no interruptions.
Have a happy fortnight
Nothing without JOY
Dom Poppa
Pastoral Wellbeing Officer
Tip of the fortnight: It can help to talk with a trusted adult if it all feels a bit much