From the Principal

Week 3 Term 1 2022

Dear Parents and Carers


Parent/Teacher/Student conferences

The first of our Parents/teacher/student conferences will take place next Wednesday 16 February. These meetings will be held online. Your child’s classroom teacher will send you a google meets link. I ask that you please login into PTO following the instructions below to make a time to meet with your child’s teacher/s. All parents are expected to make a time and complete the form that will be sent home with your child this week. These meetings are important as it allows for discussion to take place which ensures your child’s needs are being addressed throughout the year. If you are unavailable during the times allocated please contact your child’s teacher to arrange another time. Also if all times have been allocated when you sign in please contact your child’s teacher. If you have a PSG, there is no need to make a meeting. Your child’s needs will be discussed at this meeting.


Mobile phones and smart watches

Just a reminder that children are not allowed to use their phones or smartwatches during school times.  If you need to contact your child please call the office and a message can be passed on.


COVID update

We have had a number of confirmed cases during the week mainly in the junior school. 

When a child is confirmed as positive I will contact  the parents of the  class or Year level directly via email.   I will then use the newsletter to give our whole community a  quick snapshot  weekly.   This week there has been 7 confirmed cases throughout the school


The second box of RATS can be collected from the office.  I ask that you please continue to test twice weekly. This is how we have been able to identify some positive cases even though there were no symptoms. 


Year 6 Camp

Our Yr 6 students returned yesterday from three days at Coastal Forest Lodge Anglesea. Many of them looked very tired on their return.   From all accounts the children had a great time and thoroughly enjoyed the variety of activities. Many of the students were able to stand up on the surfboard (see pics). I am not sure how many staff were able to do the same!!!!! It was great that both the Yr 5 and Yr 6s could attend camp this year. A huge thank you to the staff ( went to camp twice) and the parents for supporting the decision to send our students to camp. The safety of our students will always be at the forefront of everything we do and every COVID safe recommendation will be implemented to ensure the children can be involved in as many extra curricular events as possible.



Opening School Mass

Tomorrow is our Opening School Mass. Following advice from MACS only the Yr 5/6 students will be attending. We will stream the mass to the rest of the school.  At this mass our leaders will be commissioned and presented with their badges.  


Swimming trials

This morning approximately 33 of our students tried out for this years swimming team. Thank you to Mr Price for organizing the morning and to Mrs Martin and the parents who assisted. From the trials a team will be selected to represent St Bede's at  the District swimming carnival on Thursday the 24 Feb 



Parish Picnic

Yesterday Fr John informed me that this years Parish Picnic which was to occur on Sunday 20th March at St Bridgets has been postponed.  This decision was made after consultation with the Archdiocese and the Parish Safeguarding Committee.  It is hoped that the event can take place later in the year.


Open Days 

Our two Open days for 2023 will be held on Thursday 17th March and Thursday 12th May, between 9.00am and 1.00pm. If you are aware of any families that are interested in joining the St Bede's community in 2023 please let them know the dates. If these dates are unsuitable please ask them to contact the office to arrange another time. The flyers will be in the local kindergardens in the coming week.


Have a great week


Take care
