General News

 Welcome Evening

Please find more information below

Term Dates

Term 1:  2 February - 14 April

Term 2:  2 May - 1 July

Term 3:  25 July - 30 September 

Term 4:  17 October - 14 December

Uniform Transition

St Paul Lutheran School’s uniform supports our view that outdoor play and freedom of movement are important for all students from Reception to Year 6. Please be reminded that this summer season will be the last season for older uniform styles, such as the white polo shirt and the girl’s summer dress. After this point, all older style uniforms will be obsolete. Please don’t hesitate to speak with Jane Sabel in the uniform shop, or any of our administration staff for any clarification.


Rory's School Lunches will continue providing canteen services at St Paul in 2022. Orders can be made via the Qkr! app. Please note the cut off time for same day lunch orders is 8:30am. A reminder to please change the class of your child when making an order so their lunch is put in the correct lunch box.



God’s Word | 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

Acceptance | Romans 15:7 

Excellence | 1 Corinthians 10:31 

Respect  | Luke 6:31 

Compassion | 1 John 3:18 

Hope | Titus 3:7 

Community | 2 Corinthians 13:13 

Love | 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a 

Scholastic Book Club

Catalogues were sent home with your child Monday 14 February. Due to the quick turnaround, we will be closing off the order on Monday, 21 February. 


Outstanding Basketball Uniforms 2021

We still have some basketball uniforms outstanding from last year. If you did not return your child's Basketball uniform at the end of last year, please wash and bring to the office by next week so we can complete our stocktake and get ready for the new Basketball season.

Thank you in advance.

Jane Sabel