From the Wellbeing Leader

Carly Bergen 

Navigating the first weeks of school while in a COVID storm- Linda Stade

It has been wonderful to welcome everyone back to school this week and we acknowledge that this also brings different emotions. Linda Stade is an education writer and has worked in various teaching roles and is an advocate for supporting the wellbeing of children and families. She has suggested the following ways to help support your child/ren as they…

  1. Assure them that uncertainty is okay. Rather than saying ‘everything will be OK’ try ‘this might be hard and I am right here to help you and listen’
  2. Acknowledge there is a problem. Rather than saying ‘don’t worry about that’ try ‘yes, that’s right, this is a tricky time. However, you’re not the problem and all of your emotional responses are normal’
  3. Control what can be controlled. Getting children back into before and after school routines can be reassuring for children. 
  4. Reignite engagement. Think about what sparks your child’s passions and interests. Nurture the activities that excite your children.
  5. Stop the overwhelm. The 24-hour news feeds on social media or the television can get too much. Think about a time and place where you could unpack some of your child’s worries.
  6. Be an emotion coach. Children may find it difficult to express their hard to have feelings. Acknowledge that all feelings are OK, and some are easier to have than others. Some of the kimochi language we use is ‘how can we make your sad/mad smaller?’

For more information about Linda Stade and her work, visit Linda Stade Education - Writer, Speaker, Consultant


The Invisible String: Patrice Karst

This story is the perfect tool for coping with separation anxiety, loss and grief. The mother tells her children that they’re all connected by an invisible string. She shares that the invisible string is made of love. Even though you can’t see it, you can feel it deep in your heart and know that you’re always connected to the ones you love.

I would recommend reading this story with your child if those goodbyes are a little tough in the morning. Another tip I have seen is drawing a love heart on each of your hands


Class carer and friendly face

We are still after a number of class carers for most year levels. If you’d like to find out more about this role and how this wonderful program supports our school families and community, please give me a call or email



Wednesday Chapel

This Term our focus is learning about God’s strength. Thank you to Mr Mayer who shared the message of Rahab protecting God’s people

Term 1 Chapels will be led by:

Week 4 (23/2) Miss Robinson Gideon leads God’s people

Week 5 (2/3) Pastor Matt Ash Wednesday

Week 6 (9/3) Mr Fay Ruth trusts God 

Week 7 (16/3) Year 5 Lethborg David and Goliath

Week 8 (23/3) Mr Mayer Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane

Week 9 (30/3) Mr Huxtable Jesus is arrested 

Week 10 (6/4) Miss Bergen Jesus dies on the cross for us 

Week 11 (13/4) Pastor Matt Jesus proves that he is stronger than death 

Chapel will be livestreamed on our closed group on Facebook each week. 




Friday Assembly

Our host classes for Term 1 are:

Week 1-6  No Assembly

Week 7 (18/3) Seniors Mattner

Week 8 (25/3) 4 Woodward

Week 9 (1/4) Community Leaders

Week 10 (8/4) Sports Day

Week 11 (15/4) No Assembly

These Assemblies will be livestreamed on our closed group on Facebook each week. 


Carly Bergen | Wellbeing Leader