(Acting) Principal's Report

(Actual principal's feet above)

Dear Parents and Carers,

It has been a really challenging and rewarding term for the staff and students of St Cecilia's. There have been highs and lows. Today however was just another example of the resilience, community spirit and sense of fun that exists at our school.


Today at school we had; students dressed in their sporting team colours, a longest / most accurate kick competion and celebrity spud exhibit organised by our amazing SRC, a special footy lunch prepared and organised by our parent tuckshop coordinators, a Beads for Kenya sale staffed by our year 2 students, footy song inspired choreography in Music with Mrs Miller and all sorts of creative and fun footy related activities in each and every classroom.


So thank you to you all, for the way that every single one of you contributes to create what is such a special culture that nurtures and supports the students of St Cecilia's.


We wish you all a very safe and happy break and look forward to seeing you refreshed and ready for a big finale to 2022 in term four.


Marty (pictured above clearly having a very stressful time) will return in week 3. The rest of us will be on deck Monday October 3, however students will begin the following day, Tuesday October 4.



BYOD (bring your own device) Program Information

Beginning next year we will be introducing a BYOD program in which students as they enter Year 3 will be asked to purchase their own device. This will be a chromebook device managed and enrolled in the St Cecilia's Google Domain.

Early next term detailed information about the program will be sent home to the current Year 2 parents and a Parent Information Session will be held online, on Wednesday the 19th of October.

We are very excited about how this program will further empower our students to engage with technology in a safe and sophisticated manner.



Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS):

Monday 29 August – Friday 16 September 2022


Just a reminder that the window for completing the School Improvement Survey closes today. To date we have had 33 families complete the survey for which we are very grateful.


If you would still like to contribute your feedback, but haven't yet, there is still time.

Families received personalised invitations that contain a unique survey pin used to access the survey.

If you are unable to locate the email containing your pin and would like to contribute by completing the survey, please contact mmooney@scgleniris.catholic.edu.au. 


Yours sincerely,

Matthew Mooney

Deputy Principal


2022 Fair and Raffle Ticket News

Just a reminder that raffle tickets were sent home in your children's bags today. Please be sure to fish them out and read the information regarding them that is enclosed.


Please click this link for some more news regarding our upcoming 2022 School Fair.