Parish & Community News

Children's Liturgy to Return


Dear Families,

We are excited to share that the parish will hold children’s liturgy during 10am Mass on Sunday the 2nd October. Children’s liturgy is where we take the children out of Mass to do an activity based on the the day’s readings.

This is the first time in over two years that children liturgy will be held for school children, so it is our hope that many St Cecilia's families can join us for this mass.

There will be a morning tea and some refreshments for children after mass, so it’s a great opportunity to catch up with other families.

Children’s liturgy will run every first Sunday of the month at 10am Mass during school term. If you would like to help with the liturgical program or morning tea please contact

Sarah Begley


Mark Cooray


Volunteers must have current WWCC checks.


We look forward to seeing you.  All welcome!

Sarah Begley and Mark Cooray