Year 8 LOTE Excursions

Italian Excursion


On Thursday 8 September, all the Year 8 Italian classes went on an excursion to Lygon St. When we arrived, it started raining but it stopped after a while. It didn’t affect the excursion, it was still great and exciting. 


Some of the Italian classes were split up and did a worksheet task which led us to walking around Lygon St finding Italian stores. The other task was to go to Museo Italiano, which is a museum that highlights the history of Italian migration to Australia. We ate at Universal Restaurant in Carlton, which included pasta, pizza and ice cream. The meal was delicious. 


Thank you to all the teachers that participated and prepared this excursion for us.


Keira Tran and Michelle Nguyen

Year 8


Indonesian Excursion


On Thursday 8 September, the Year 8 students who study Indonesian attended an educational excursion to Queen Victoria Market. In Indonesian this term, we are learning about the topic of shopping. In class, we were able to gain an understanding of the items, adjectives, colors, the Indonesian currency (Rupiah), large numbers, directions, bargaining phrases, and the techniques that are also used in Indonesian shopping.  


During the excursion, we were given an activity where we had to use our knowledge of directions, adjectives, and colors to find different types of stores and a variety of items. The groups worked collaboratively throughout Queen Victoria Market in order to complete this task.  


After completing the activity, a scrumptious Indonesian meal was provided for us. One of the meals featured fluffy coconut rice with a side of flavorful chicken and the vegetarian option consisted of the tasty Indonesian delicacy; nasi goreng (fried rice).  


The overall excursion to Queen Victoria Market was a great enlightening experience for the Year 8 Indonesian students.


Nelly Wedawasam & Emily Vo

Year 8