Learning & Teaching

Year 7 Project-Based Learning Integrated Task 

Project-based learning engages students in opportunities to solve rich, authentic problems. It encourages innovation, critical and creative thinking strategies, and collaborative teamwork. Students apply their learning across the curriculum to design solutions to real-world problems. Student voice and student agency come to the fore as they present their projects to an audience (NSW Government PBL Resources).


On Monday this week, our Year 7 students hosted their “Safe Water for All Expo”. This was the culmination of a project-based learning experience that integrated learning across the Science and Humanities Learning Areas. The students selected a less developed country where access to safe water was limited.


In Humanities they investigated the chosen country and how limited access to safe water had negatively impacted a range of development indicators such as infant mortality, life expectancy and female literacy rates. They predicted how access to improved water could positively affect the quality of life in the case study country. This information was presented visually in a digital infographic. 


In Science the students developed a water filtration system that could deliver safe water to people in their selected country. They produced a digital story outlining the processes. They also built a prototype of their filtration system for “investors” visiting the Expo. 

At the “Safe Water for All Expo”, the teams of students each had a stall where they displayed their products. Many visitors (staff and students) visited the Expo where the students marketed their filtration system to potential investors. 


The Year 7 students truly engaged in the opportunity to address this real-world challenge and to “pitch” their learning to the audience. The visitors also had the opportunity to vote for the best stalls in a range of categories and these students will receive certificates of recognition. 

Jane Goddard

Assistant to the Principal - Learning & Teaching