Bike Club

Bike Club held a Bunnings BBQ on 10 September to raise funds for the Term 4 Bike Camp, 29 November to 2 December. The BBQ was a very successful day with staff and students working well as a team to ensure we always had the right number of sausages on hand throughout the day. The funds raised will go towards the cost of the camp for the 18 bike club students who have signed up for camp. 


The camp will be held in the Bright/Beechworth region along the Murray -to-Mountains Rail Trail with  three days of riding. It will be a challenging few days with the girls riding between 15 – 35 km each day. 


Thanks to the following students who volunteered and their families for the drop off and pick up: Rebecca Kim, Rosie Pham, Kiara Mammoliti, Livinia Jason, Maryam Yaqo, Tsion Teferra, Gauri Vasishat, Elwyn Holley. And the following staff: Ms. Williams, Ms. Tran, Ms. Daunt, Ms. Justice and Ms. Jurcic.


Christopher Fenech

Bike Club Coordinator