
What's Happening in Mathematics

Students in Year 7 have been working really hard to complete their Mathematics assignments. During this task students designed a garden using a program on their devices. Students were required to keep a budget and calculate the costs that were involved. Students were required to use their design to create a model of their garden and use the correct scale to design it appropriately. We are very proud of our students and their effort. 


These past couple of weeks I have spent the time and effort to make a backyard model. With the help of my dad and our collaborative ideas, we have both made a project we are most certainly proud of. Using a creative website and applying math to real life, I ended up managing to bring a virtual project to reality.

Adding scaling and redesigning some features, the new model certainly looked more spectacular than the old. Remembering "you can do anything if you put your mind to it" I completed the project with pride and submitted the assignment. Thanks dad for all the great help.

Zane Pagarliotas - Year 7


I really enjoyed the Measurement assignment for many reasons. One of the reasons is because you could use your imagination and create a really cool backyard.. After we finished making it, we had to size everything down.

Some of the materials I used were postictal sticks and fake grass. Making the model takes a really long time but after you have finished it looks beautiful. It's a really fun assignment to do in year 7 and some of the other people's projects looks amazing!

Ava Byrne - Year 7


I found the measurement assignment interesting and It is a good way to showcase our understanding of measurement. It was also fun and different to the other math assignments I’ve done, I liked it. We had to design a garden on a website and then calculate the budget. And finally build the model (which has to be in scale).

Abigail Tan - Year 7




Congratulations to Tarkyn Woolley from Year 7 on your achievement.


Ms Michelle deBoer

Head of Mathematics