Library News 

Library staff have observed an increase in personal study numbers over the past few weeks.  It is great to see our students thoroughly engaged in the pursuit of knowledge. To accommodate greater student numbers, we have added a couple of extra tables into our quiet study area, and from the images, you can see they are being put to good use.

September Holiday Reading 

With the holidays approaching students are invited to borrow some of our new and popular titles for recreational reading. There is a great article by Australia Reads, backed up by scientific research which states that reading is a great way to reduce stress, build self-esteem and live longer!  


“Reading books makes us smarter, happier, and healthier.”  Australia Reads, 2021   

Term 3 Book Club

Term three book club saw a growth in numbers.  The students thoroughly enjoyed reading and discussing the titles One of us is lying by Karen McManus and The fault in our stars by John Green.


While One of us is lying is a social-media murder mystery centred around a group of diverse students at high school, the other The fault in our stars, is a smart and engaging teenage love story which explores the difficult themes of cancer and dying. Both books made for robust discussion between students about the plot, characters, themes and ideas of the authors. 


Our Term 4 books will be decided upon this week by club members and will be available for loan early in Term 4.



Megan Tulloch-Nasir 

and the Library team