Acting Secondary Principal's Report

Louise Mellington

As we head into our term break, I would like to thank our students and staff for their input into learning this past Semester. To our parents too, a big thank you, as you are integral in giving support to your child’s learning at home. We have been lucky this term to be able to fit so much into our program with many camps, incursions, excursions and sporting events. We have also had three of our Year 9 students attend Alpine School for Student Leadership for the term.

We have had all of our 7-12 staff move to new staff work areas in the senior building, as well as many Year 8 and 9 classes coming in to the building. This has been an adjustment for all staff and students but the vibe in the building is a good one.


Uniform – your support is needed

In Term 4 we need to see all students in Full School Uniform. Whilst we have the majority of our students wearing correct school uniform, we do have a number of students who are wearing hoodies. These are not part of our school uniform (the Year 12 hoodie is an exception) and need to be left at home. Students in hoodies will be asked to remove them. Again, I ask if you are having difficulty sourcing uniform items, please contact the College. 


Yard cleanliness

It would be great to see parents having conversations with their child around having pride in our school grounds. We have quite a lot of litter that is just dropped on the ground, even when a bin is close by. We are aiming for zero rubbish laying around in Term 4. Our Unit 2 Environmental Studies students have been looking at environmental sustainability and have identified problem areas within our College where there is rubbish, even when bins are positioned close by.


General Achievement Test (GAT) – for our Unit 3 and 4 students

We had 77 students at Year 11 and 12 sit the GAT last week – the format of this changed in 2022 with the students now sitting two tests over a period of 5 hours. A huge day of testing and our students are to be congratulated for their efforts with this.