ATAR Results

A summary of the 2022 Year 12 ATAR Results
Once again, we are very proud of the VCE results our students have achieved in 2022. The JMSSresults have also been published widely in the Melbourne daily newspapers and via social mediawith our Principal Peter Corkill being widely quoted.
A brief snapshot of the remarkable results our Year 12 students achieved is displayed below. The cohort was comprised of 220 students who showed considerable amounts of resilience and grit to successfully deal with the many challenges that were encountered across the year .
ATAR Breakdown:
24 students received ATARS 99+ = 11%
86 students received ATAR's 95+ = 39%
121 students received ATAR's 90+ = 55%
187 students received ATAR's 80+ = 85%
209 students received ATAR's 70+ = 95%
The median study score across all subjects taught was 35 and matches the excellent results the 2021cohort achieved in achieving a 35 median for the first time since 2015. This cohort had 21.2 % of students achieve a study score over 40 which was an increase from 18.7% in 2021. The median ATAR this year was 91.85, slightly down from the 92.3 last year. In 2022 students managed to attain 10 perfect scores in the following subjects: Chemistry, Physics, Maths Methods, Psychology, Environmental Science, English and EAL.
The JMSS Dux for 2022 is Alex Keany who achieved the outstanding ATAR of 99.90.