
Uniform Flyer

Please see the updated flyer from PSW regarding extended trading hours over the summer period.



7 Nov 2022 - 11 March 2023

 Monday to Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm 

Saturday: 9:00am – 4:00pm 


All year round except Extended Trade Period Tuesday to Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm 

Saturday: 10:00am – 1:00pm 


PDF download :-

The Readers Cup

The Readers' Cup has now been engraved with the names of our winning team for 2022! Congratulations to William Jackson, Luna Kan, Osel Loh and Yuyan Ma. 

The trophy is back on display in the L2 display case.

Kind Regards

Ms Veldsman

Congratulations Silene

Congratulations to Silene LeBeau (Year 11) as she won first prize in a recent creative writing competition. See Silene's amazing work here:- click here. She submitted a short story that she developed as part of the War Poetry Unit undertaken in Literature this year. Well done Silene, incredible work!


Peer Mentoring 

Our Year 10's engaged in some Peer Mentoring in mind November. A great bonding experience for them all as they embark into Year 11 next year. 

New Year 11's

A great orientation few weeks for the new Year 11's who will joining JMSS next year. Buddied up with some of our JMSS leaders, they had a great time meeting each other and getting involved in their JMSS journey! 

I'm sure they are looking forward to the summer break and starting fresh in 2023.


Regional Science Exchange

We are looking to host a group of Regional Students again in May 2023. If your family would like to host a student from Sunday 30 April - Friday 19 May, 2023 please contact the JMSS team on


Brain Bee

Congratulations to Braeden Van De Beek. Braeden recently won the state Brain Bee Challenge and went on to the National Final. We are now happy to let you know that he has won the National Final!!!


The International Brain Bee Challenge awaits! This is an incredible feat! Well done Braeden, we look forward to see where this takes you.

Congratulations Madison

Congratulations to Year 11 student, Madison Galland. Madi, along with her team competed in the National Cheer & Dance Championships at the Gold Coast Convention Centre and her team called "Zircon" from Mathis Dance Studios competed.

They placed 1st in our Senior Jazz routine as well as 2nd in our Senior Lyrical routine.

Congratulations Madi!

ASX School Sharemarket Game

In mid-September over 130 JMSS students started playing the ASX Schools Sharemarket Game. Most grouped themselves into syndicates with some preferring to work by themselves. Students had access to (a virtual) $50,000 of funds which they then invested in the ASX Sharemarket. The results are in and I would like to congratulate the following top 5 syndicates!

We will be running the Game again next year so if you would like to participate, keep an eye on your email and compass mid-February!

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