Principal's News

Dear Families, 


I can’t believe that at the time of writing this we only have four weeks left of the school year. I know it is a cliche to say that time flies but this year has really flown past. I know that Michelle, myself and all the staff members are looking forward to all the end-of-year/Christmas celebrations that are to come. 


I have spoken to Michelle and the operation was a success, she is being looked after by her friends and family. While the operation went well doctors have advised Michelle to take an extra week's leave, she is expected to return on Monday 28th November. 


We have finalised a date for the ‘End of Year Picnic’ which will be held on Thursday 8th December from 3:45.     

As part of the picnic the students from each year level will be performing a Christmas song, I know the teachers are already very excited and have chosen some great songs for their class to perform. 


The last two weeks have been relatively quiet and teachers have been focusing on the students’ core learning in English and Maths as well as Topic and Religious Education. We have also started our end of year testing and moderation period, with teachers analysing results, the progress of students will be reported to parents in our end of year school reports. 


Today I was lucky enough to walk into 1D and come across some of their wonderful writing, below are some samples of Will’s and Navy’s work and a brief description of the narratives they wrote.


I wrote a whole story called Underland mystery. It is about a scuba diver that has to find the sea great without getting caught by a cheating stingray. 



My story is about a shark and a diver. The shark was hungry and saw a Submarine and wanted to eat it. The shark then saw fish and there were more fish than the submarine. The scuba diver found some bait and tricked the shark. 


Some notable events over the past two weeks have been:

  • Cricket Clinics - Organised by Mahla Davies 
  • Remembrance Day - Thank you to 3H for their relevance and informational assembly, the school also gathered at 11 for the last post and minute of silence
  • Year 5 & 6 Inter School Cricket Day  
  • Year 5 & 6 Science Incursion 
  • Our 3rd Orientation for our 2023 Prep students.




The state election is approaching fast, St Joseph’s Parish Hall will be a local voting centre and a necessary part of the voting process is of course a sausage. Thank you to the P&F for organising the St Joseph’s sausage sizzle.


It is not too late for donate or volunteer to assist on the day. Any assistance is greatly appreciated and you can register to donate or volunteer using the links below. 





I would like to wish everyone a great weekend 


Martin Earl