Music News

This term has been BUSY!
Starting with Music Performance Examinations our VCE Unit 3/4 students completed their external performance examinations in both Group and Solo Instruments.
We are very proud of their work and involvement in the Music Program and wish them all the best with their future plans.
Music Showcase and Gala
Our Annual Concert night which featured both the Showcase and Gala concerts took place on October 20th in the PAC.
Students from all ensembles performed to a very receptive audience, and we were able to recognise the Year 12 students who had been with the program since Year 7 with “Lifetime” awards.
Thank you to all of our music families for your support during 2023.
We would also like to thank our wonderful Friends of Music (FOM) Group who have supported our events throughout the year.
We still have a number of large events before the year draws to a close.
Cabaret Night
Cabaret Night was held last Friday evening in the PAC.
Our Junior Band will make their debut at the Victorian Schools Bands Festival next week and we wish them, and their director Paul Van Ross all the best for this performance.
Following our Auditions, 2023 Ensembles have begun rehearsing in preparation for a busy start to next year.
Emails have been sent to students and families informing them of band placement and rehearsal times. Please check Compass for upcoming rehearsals.
Thank you to all of our music families for your support during 2023.
We would also like to thank our wonderful Friends of Music (FOM) Group who have supported our events throughout the year.
Thank you to Rod Cebellos for the amazing photos.
Re-Enrolment Forms
Re-Enrolment Forms were emailed out last Friday.
Please ensure you complete the form via the link below and indicate your intention to continue/discontinue lessons as soon as possible to help us with our forward planning for 2023.
Please Note: We will be opening applications for new students who have not yet been enrolled in Instrumental Music Lessons in early December.
Katrina Wellins
Director of Music