Middle School News

Congratulations Bowen!
Bowen from Year 7 attended the First Lego League Regional Competition last week at Swinburne University.
Bowen was the co-leader in the team and was in charge of an innovation project.
Their team performed well and won the championship!
They now move forward to the National Championship on 3rd December.
Well done Bowen and good luck for the National Championship!
Ms Nair
Primary School Visits
In late October, groups of Year 7 students visited primary schools in our area.
Students spoke to Grade 6 students about Viewbank College, and what to expect from high school life.
All students spoke well and were fantastic representatives of Viewbank College.
Ms Timms
Year 10 Outdoor Education
On Thursday 3/11 the Year 10 Outdoor Education class took part in a Fishcare fishing session in Altona. Students were educated about the types of species in the area, legal limits and the importance of sustainable fishing practices. Students were given the opportunity practice new skills such as casting and baiting while trying at catch their own fish. Unfortunately only seaweed was caught during the session.
Ms Betts
Year 8 Camp
Year 8 Camp was held this week at Merricks Lodge with students in Ignis and Stella departing on Monday and returning Wednesday. Students in Hydra and Terra departed on Wednesday and returned today.
This week the Year 8’s visited Merricks Lodge.
One of the things I enjoyed most was snorkelling as I got to see a lot of fish and stingray, even a couple of seals. There was lots of interesting things to do like surfing.
Camp was very fun and Merricks was a great place to stay at because there was a lot of interesting things to do.
It was my first time surfing and the people very nice and helpful.
From Virgini in Year 8
Ms Pinney-Brown
Year 9 Mask and make-up class
This is some amazing work from Yr 9 student, Kaitlyn B.
Designed and applied by Kaitlyn.
Wound, using scar wax and fake glass.
3rd degree burn, using latex