Student Wellbeing

Child Safe School Committee
In 2016, St Bede’s College established a ‘Child Safe School Committee’ to ensure that each student attending the College is safe in all dimensions of their schooling, home life and personal development. This committee has met regularly since its inception, and has worked hard to ensure that the College’s policies and procedures satisfy relevant Child Safe Standards.
2022 Committee Members
Scott Cadby Committee Chair, and Wellbeing Coordinator
Tyler Bierman Wellbeing Counsellor
Kim Ruffels Wellbeing Counsellor
George Vlamakis Wellbeing Counsellor
Mark Jones Deputy Principal - Students
Justin Shepherd Campus Student Coordinator - Bentleigh East
John McAlroy Middle School Coordinator
Gabrielle Warfe Senior School Coordinator
House and Year Level Coordinators have a one-year rotating term on the Committee, with James Honan (Year 8 Coordinator) and Mel Lyons (Benilde Coordinator) valued members for 2022.
To further promote ‘student voice’, a Child Safe School Student Sub Committee was created (2018) to work alongside the Staff committee.
2022 Student Sub - Committee Members
Oliver Rigoni
Hunter Maudsley
Callum Chung
Thomas McDonnell
William Aufner
Thomas Liang
Alex Tanti
Liam Casey
Tom Gregory
Hugo Risvanis
Lucas Shaw.
This sub-committee is coordinated and facilitated by Wellbeing Coordinator, Scott Cadby (pictured right). These students have provided great insights, and shown a real willingness to act as ‘child safe liaisons’ within their respective year levels and Houses.
These Committees realise that our ‘Child Safety/Student Wellbeing’ journey is an ongoing and evolving focus for the College. There are plans to expand the ‘Student Sub Committee’ to the Bentleigh East Campus in 2023, and for the staff and student groups to work more closely with one another other.
Scott Cadby - PACFA Reg. Clinical (21605)
BA (Psych) MPsychotherapyCouns
Wellbeing Coordinator