Assistant Principal



                                                                   Mrs Leanne Schulz

2022 Primary School Theme

What has been happening in Fairview and Cumberland? 


Will the Prep Teachers will get slimed if $10,000 is raised at the Fun Run on Sunday? 

2023 Prep Transition

We welcomed our new Preps for 2023 for their second transition day at school this week. It was lovely to see the excitement and engagement as our new students embraced the learning activities and settled into the classroom routine. A very warm welcome goes to all the new students and families who will be joining us next year. 

Prep News

Mrs Natasha Radley (Prep AHOS)


The Prep students have had fun in all of their learning areas. Last week they revised all of the words of the week from the term, as it was a short week. This week they learnt the word 'fork' and the sounds in the word. The students have been getting used to writing on the dotted thirds and wrote the sentence “Can you bring a fork from the bench?” independently. How far they have come with their writing! 

We also had a great day on our excursion to the Werribee Zoo. We looked at the Zoo map and next week we are learning more about maps. 

Year 1 and 2 News

Mr Jevon Scandrett (Year 1/2 AHOS)


It is hard to believe we are halfway through Term 4!


Fairview Concert 

Rehearsals are well underway for the upcoming Fairview Concert ‘The Greatest Show’. Students in Year 1 and Year 2 will perform at 1:30pm and 6:30pm on Tuesday 22 November. We are looking forward to performing for families and friends! 


Year 1 Author Study - Pamela Allen 

In Year 1, students have been studying a range of different authors including Pamela Allen. Students read the story ‘The Potato People’ with their teachers before creating their own potato people using a range of materials. 

Year 2 Persuasive Writing 

Year 2 students have been working on persuasive writing this term. They have focused on providing reasons for their arguments. Students have also been introduced to a range of persuasive devices such as rhetorical questions, exaggeration, and emotive language. Take a look at some student writing (drafts and final edits) below! 

As always, your first point of contact should be your child’s homeroom teacher followed by me as the Assistant Head of School (Years 1 and 2). 

Year 3 and 4 News

Mrs Anne Adams (Year 3/4 AHOS)


Term 4 is flying by!




In Year 4 we have been having lots of fun exploring forces in the real world. We have looked at push, pull, gravity, friction, and air resistance. Did you know that if there was no air, a feather and bowling ball would drop from the same height and reach the ground at the same time? This is because gravity has the same pull on everything on earth, but air resistance is what slows a falling object down. Check out our photos below, where we explored this further with paper helicopters and parachutes made of different materials.   


We were also lucky enough to share our forces learning on stage during assembly. Below are some photos of the assembly. There is also a recording on the blog.  


In writing, we have been working on persuasive texts. We know that a triple stuffed OREO makes the best argument! You need a clear Opinion, Reasons and Examples/Explanations, then repeat your Opinion. Watch out Mum and Dad…we may be trying to persuade you for more dessert or play time soon!  




Year 3 students have been working as scientists this term, experimenting with states of matter - the distinct forms in which matter can exist. They used temperature as a variable. Here are some comments about what they have been learning.  



This term we have been doing science experiments and I think the chocolate experiment was the best. We melted a broken piece of chocolate and a whole piece of chocolate to see which one melts first. And we found that the broken piece took 10 minutes and 5 seconds and the whole took 11 minutes and 11 seconds. 



This term we have been doing science experiments and one of them was the chocolate experiment so we went outside and put the chocolate outside in the heat to see which chocolate would  melt first. We used a broken and a normal piece and it was the broken one that melted first. 



This term, the Year Threes have been conducting science experiments, they have been learning how to conduct a fair experiment. We did an experiment about melting chocolate, about which one will melt first. The answer was the broken chocolate. Overall we had a remarkable experience doing the experiment live in person. 



3T did experiments and we did a assessment for melting chocolate. The assessment had a title, aim, prediction and so on and we transferred it to book creator and made a presentation. 



We went outside and saw which chocolate will melt first the broken or whole. The particles slowly got further away from each other and turned into a liquid. The broken chocolate took 10 minutes and 20 seconds the whole chocolate had 11 minutes and 30 seconds so the broken chocolate won. 



I enjoyed how we went outside and found stuff we did not even know. For example the chocolate experiment. We experimented with different objects to see what happens when heat is added to it. We found that a broken piece of chocolate will melt faster than a full piece of chocolate.

Year 5 and 6 News

Mr Nigel Keegan (Year 5/6 AHOS)


Year 5 students recently visited the Aitken Farm as part of our animal adaptations unit of study. Mr Hudson ran a very educational lesson all about chicken adaptations, and students were able to observe the chickens in action and collect eggs! Year 6 students have been busy expressing their creative ability in both Visual and Performing Arts through landscape paintings, musical body percussion, and even choreographing their own group dance! Tennis lessons continue to be popular and have provided an excellent opportunity to practice and develop new skills. Both year levels have had sessions with Life Education around the theme of ‘Let’s talk about it’, which is an age-appropriate personal development program. The Year 5 program touches on Identity, Healthy Relationships & Evolving Friendships, and Puberty. Year 6 topics include Discovering Identity, Healthy Relationships & Navigating Relationships, Surviving Puberty, and The Journey of Human Reproduction. 

Primary Assembly Roster

Parents are more than welcome to join us for Chapel and Assembly each week.

 Week Date Fairview Cumberland
 7 14 November Year 2H Year 5 (change) 
 8 21 November Year 2A Year 6 (change)
 9 28 November Prep Year 4
 10 5 December Christmas Chapel Service  Christmas Chapel Service 
 10 9 December Final Assembly Final Assembly

 Some Important Dates for Term 4

13 NovemberFun Run (organised by the Parents & Friends Association)
15 NovemberCumberland Swimming Carnival
17 NovemberFairview Dance Party (organised by the Parents & Friends Association)
18 NovemberAssessment Day (Student free day)
22 NovemberFairview Concert (Year 1 and Year 2)
24 NovemberFairview Concert (Year Prep)
30 NovemberYear 6 Celebration Evening
1 DecemberYear 6 Excursion to Funfields
5 DecemberChristmas Chapel Service
7 DecemberPresentation Night
8 DecemberStep Up Day
9 December

Fairview Final Assembly

Cumberland Final Assembly

Last day of school