Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program: Congratulations Jayden Hung!
The Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program is an academic enrichment program offered by The University of Melbourne for high-achieving Year 10 students who are about to embark on their VCE studies. Successful entrants into the program will take part in a range of events and activities designed to expand their academic and personal horizons. These include a welcome event, VCE revision lectures, personal development workshops, overnight adventures on campus, celebration events with family and more.
We would like to congratulate Jayden Hung, Year 10, for receiving the Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Award for 2022.
"They've been chosen not only because there is a feeling that they will succeed and will do well in the University, but that they have qualities of leadership, engagement and involvement." - Professor Kwong Lee Dow
Well done Jayden!
Michael Swanborough
Deputy Principal - Learning & Teaching