The End Of Another Year!
And so, we come to the end of another year! This year has been significant in that we have been able to complete the year without needing to go into lockdown – something I am sure we are all very grateful for!
In the past few weeks we have numerous activities involving our Primary School students. However, the most significant of these would have to be the Follow the Star event which we have just celebrated. This event was significant in many ways. It was an event that required a lot of planning and organisation and my thanks go particularly to Emily Law and Katelyn Grant for all they did in ensuring all the event ran smoothly in all areas, along with all the other staff who helped in so many different ways.
It was significant in that so many of our students were involved in activities – singing carols and performing the Christmas story in a series of short plays. It was significant in the large number of families who came out and supported the event. It was particularly significant in that it was the first major community event we have been able to have together in this way. As I surveyed the crowd at the carols and cast my eye over the undercover basketball courts and the surrounding lawn area, it was so good to see families mixing and enjoying the night together.
However, the most significant thing for me was that the focus for the night was to celebrate and remind ourselves that we are heading into the Christmas season where we remember the birth of our Saviour and Lord.
I wish each of you a very happy and safe holiday season. May you know God’s peace and blessing as you celebrate the birth of His Son.
Tim Farmilo
Acting Head of Primary School
Prep S Celebrating Mrs Ng
Prep S have been blessed to have Mrs Nicole Ng teaching them every Friday. The children have loved learning and practising new skills, reading stories and playing lots of interesting games together (and more!).
Mrs Ng taught the class for her last day this week and she will have a few weeks resting, before her baby is born. Some of the teachers also enjoyed celebrating with Mrs Ng at a 'Baby Shower' after school this week. We pray God will keep Nicole and her family in good health and strength and look forward to sharing the happy news of her baby’s arrival, early next year.
Sonia Sires
Prep S Teacher
Primary Chess Competition
On Friday 4th November Eric Wang, Gabriel Liu, Asher Martinez, Jincheng Li and Lucas Mestry represented St Andrews in the state chess competition held at Mordialloc College. The boys played well and came in at 5th position. Well done, boys!
From left to right: Gabriel Liu, Jincheng Li, Eric Wang, Lucas Mestry, Asher Martinez.
Daniel Ferguson
Year 6 Teacher
Year 2 Excursion to Scienceworks
The Year 2's had a terrific day exploring ScienceWorks. There was so much to do, see and explore! They also joined Tycho for an exciting mission to Mars!
Jen Steele & Judy Hendricks
Year 2 Teachers
The Year 2 Stay Late Was Awesome!
The Year 2s had the best time at the Stay Late on Friday! We started off with a delicious afternoon tea of popcorn, cupcakes and juice. The children then broke into 6 groups for their activities: a scavenger hunt, Christmas crafts, play-dough, hockey, having fun with the parachute and dodgeball, making and eating fairy bread, and decorating biscuits. Mr Farmilo and Mr Grant cooked a sausage sizzle, which was delicious!
A huge thank you goes to all the teachers from across the Primary School who sacrificed their time to make this an incredibly fun event: Mrs Sires, Mrs Pillifeant, Mrs Lepileo, Mrs Edwards, Mrs Albertus, Miss Iau, Mrs Lim, Mrs Ranger, Mrs Tay, Mr Farmer, Mr Grant and Mr Farmilo. Thank you to Ms Hoenen for ordering the food and other ingredients, and Mrs Kim for helping with the setup.
Judy Hendricks & Jen Steele
Year 2 Teachers
Year 5
It has been a very good year for Year 5. What a blessing from the Lord! Thank you all for supporting the Year 5s in all they have done. We pray for safe holidays and a peaceful break!
‘Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.’
Philippians 4:4
Natalie Low & Naomi Su
Year 5 Teachers