Wellbeing During The Summer Holidays
As teachers we often hear mixed views of what holidays look like for our students. Dreams of sleeping in, watching favourite shows, swimming at the beach, and having time to just ‘chill’ are just some of the holiday hopes for St Andrews students. However, there are those who face the holidays with mixed feelings, and this can be for several reasons. It is valuable to note that for some, too much time to ‘chill’ is not helpful. Some feel that they like and value the structure of school; they like their time regulated and full of activities. For parents, whilst the daily drop off and pick up might not be part of their day in the holiday period, there is value in thinking about how your young person feels about holidays and asking them about what their hopes and views are for the holiday break? Below is a link that we hope is helpful for parents to read and covers many suggested ideas about how to create strategies for a successful summer break.
Strategies for a Successful Summer Break - Child Mind Institute
May this be a wonderful break for you and for family.
Lisa Wilks-Beasy
Head of Wellbeing