Kindergarten News

Covid Communication

Current guidelines allow for Kinder to remain open for all families, we hope to see all our children this week. 

Please note that Stay and Play will be paused until COVID regulations allow. 

Dickins Room

We had a great week of Kinder with our Wimbi and Marram classes. 

Our Wimbi class enjoyed getting outside, working more collaborative with their peers in play. There were some incredible ideas being shared while working with the mobilo, with the children helping one another and learning from each other. In the sand pit, the children spent time working together to create a construction site, communicating roles and verbalising their thoughts to each other. 

We had a very focused time inside also, with art and dramatic play being very popular! 

At the end of the session we played the game 'bug in a rug', this game supports the children's awareness and recall as well as scaffolding leadership and confidence. 


It was a wet and woolly week in our Marram class, with a day of rain on Tuesday and then an oh-so cold day on Thursday! This seemed to match our learning of late, around winter, snow and ice! Using a digital microscope, we explored ice up close, we observed it melting in real time and even found some frozen air bubbles which the children initially thought may be a unicorns horn! 

This led to a discussion about the scientific principles of states of matter, reactions and to engage hypotheses. 

Through the excitement, the children somehow linked this learning to dinosaurs (I'm still trying to figure out how we got there! :) 

This has been an area of huge excitement and engagement, we have sung songs, drawn shadow outlines of dinosaurs and used augmented reality to explore and learn about dinosaurs. Through our discussion we learnt from Bastian that 'the Dinosaurs died because David Attenborough wasn't in time to save them!'. I'd say he's onto something here!

The children have also been incredibly interested in the construction work happening at the school, we went and observed the digger that was working on the playground and then came back and extended this in the sandpit with diggers, trucks and our sit on scoop.


I hope everyone had a warm and safe weekend, fingers crossed we are out of lockdown soon.


Al and Mardi.

Moore Room

We had a wonderful week in the Moore room. Despite some cool and wet weather, we took advantage of gaps in the rain and headed for the school gardens. We had some great games of hide and seek – allowing for risk taking, counting practice, honing their senses and good sportsmanship. We were able to take another look at the trees to further discussions around environmental changes in winter. We actually spotted some buds coming through and look forward to continuing our observations and hypothesising. It was also lovely to just relax, take in our surroundings and enjoy these together moments in nature.


Prior to getting started on making some snowflakes we talked about shapes. We looked at many different shapes and counted all the sides. We researched the names of three to ten sided shapes – our favourite being the octagon, as it has eight sides like an octopus has eight legs! 


We have had some amazing pirate adventures. There has been some awesome scripts and roles emerging, treasure sorting and classifying, turn taking and sharing of humour and happiness.


Have an awesome week and we hope we are out of lockdown soon.


Kelly-Anne, Lauren, Cristina, Julie, Carol and Anna