Specialist News

Term 3

Feature News: Visual Arts

Our efforts for the coming days and weeks will fairly and squarely be focused on two of our feature events for Term 3 - our Senior Production of the Lion King as well as Indonesian Day on Thursday. In keeping with that we will be creating props for the show. Students will be painting and crafting art using a multitude of resources and materials - for Indonesian Day we will be creating custom font lettering featuring details of Indonesian culture using fine liners.

Reminder: Indonesian Day

We are still crossing our fingers that Indonesian Day is all set to go ahead for Thursday THIS WEEK! Please remember we ask students to wear red and white or Indonesian traditional clothes to help celebrate Indonesian culture! 

Teachers have been busy during Remote Learning, preparing their awesome activities and learning more about Indonesian culture themselves! It is a wonderful day - and a great way to celebrate our return to school!

If, on the off-chance we are not returning to school this week, Indonesian Day will be postponed until the second day back after we return to school. 

For some inspiration for Indonesian clothes, enjoy this video the teachers made from Indonesian Day last year!

Pupil of the Week - Visual Art

Senior: Nadar B (5/6B)

For your enthusiasm and perseverance in completing a fantastic dragon eye with plasticine. It looks amazing and is very detailed. Brilliant work Nadar!


Junior: Anouk D (FJ)

For showing extraordinary talent and a love for learning. Both your dragon eye and dragon drawing were next level amazing and well above what could be expected at your year level. Most impressive Anouk!


Pupil of the Week - Indonesian

Junior: Jerry L (1/2ST)

Bagus sekali, Jerry! You have made some excellent vocabulary posters during your Remote Learning activities, showing your new knowledge of animals!


Senior: Saumya V (3/4O)

Hebat, Saumya! You have created a wonderful picture book for students all about animals! This is a wonderful way to practise your language skills! 

Pupil of the Week - Performing Arts

Junior:  Samy C (1/2W)

Fordemonstrating creativity and musicality when creating dance moves to music. Well done Samy!


Senior: Ayush K (5/6W)

For demonstrating commitment and confidence by rehearsing, recording and uploading himself singing the production songs. Amazing work!

Pupil of the Week - Physical Education 

Junior: Nolan T (FD)

For continuing to extend your jumping skills in remote learning. Your love of learning new skills and drive to challenge yourself is awesome! Great Work!


Senior: Yianni I (3/4D)

For taking up the HIIT Minute Challenge and recording your personal best scores. Your zest and drive to challenge yourself is outstanding. Wonderful Work!