Independence Centre


Selamat siang!

Thank you for all of your hard work throughout remote learning the past week! Hopefully, we only have a few more days left until we are back in the classroom. We hope that everyone is doing okay and if you have any concerns please get in touch with your classroom teacher. We are looking forward to our parent teacher interviews this week with families on the phone. 


In Writing sessions across the week, students were working on furthering their understanding of narratives. We had a focus on ‘Sizzling Starts’ and it was great to see so many engaging and exciting story starters. In Reading, we looked at utilising the ‘Skimming and Scanning’ strategy to find key information from a text. Students were then able to use the information they found to answer a series of topic questions. It has been wonderful to spend some time with students in the small literacy Zooms.  


In Maths sessions, we have been consolidating our understanding of chance and probability. Students were able to experience these concepts in some authentic activities using spinners. It was great to see students able to express chance and probability using sentences, fractions, and percentages. Well done to everyone for having a go at these challenging concepts during remote learning!

This remote learning period has seen some excellent pieces of work completed from the choice boards. All of the 3/4 teachers have been really impressed with the amount of effort and creativity we have seen. A highlight has been the eagerness of students to share their learning on Seesaw. 


Wishing you a fantastic week and hoping to see you all back in the classroom soon, 

Mr Dix, Miss Gasowski, Mrs McCoy, Miss Molloy, Mr O’Connor and Miss Richardson


  • Check Google Classroom for all Zoom meetings and daily tasks
  • Please ensure iPads are charged each day
  • Nightly reading and recording in diaries continues
  • School returns to onsite this Wednesday
  • Parent-teacher conferences this week
  • Indonesian day on Thursday

Student Voice

  • Yianni I - "I like publishing my work on Seesaw for my teacher to see."
  • Annabelle T - "I can’t wait to get back to school, I prefer learning in the classroom"
  • William V - "I really like showing my bird to the rest of the class on Zoom"
  • Natasha R - "I miss going to school and seeing my friends every day"

Pupil of the Week

3/4D: Jess C -

Well done on using your love of learning to put in lots of effort when completing your home learning tasks. It was great to see all of your hardwork on Seesaw, you really did the tasks justice Jess! 


3/4G: Kaitlyn S -

Well done on using descriptive language when creating Sizzling Starts this week. You used ‘show, don’t tell’ to build intrigue in your scenes. Kicking goals, Kaitlyn!


3/4K: Tiffany L -

Well done completing home learning tasks with curiosity and a love of learning. You did a fantastic job creating collective nouns for animals and demonstrating how to calculate the perimeter of objects at home. Top effort Tiffany!


3/4M: Sophie J -

For the enthusiasm and love of learning you demonstrated during our remote learning tasks and small group zoom sessions. It was exciting to see you challenge yourself when working independently at home, particularly when calculating percentage chance in maths. Super Sophie! 


3/4R: Jeffrey Z -

For demonstrating a love of learning and persistence when completing your remote learning tasks over the week. It was fantastic to see you responding and reflecting on the feedback to uplevel and edit your work. You should be very proud of your learning journey, Jeffrey!


3/4O: Tanmay S -

For demonstrating perseverance and a love of learning as you took on the challenges of remote learning tasks. You consistently took on remote learning tasks with zest and enthusiasm which was evident in our small zoom sessions. Terrific Tanmay!