Principal's Message

Term 3 Week 3

Selamat datang semuanya (hear? Welcome everyone) 

With Indonesian Day on the horizon, I'm reminded to use a few phrases if I can. Thank you to Bu Mundy for supporting staff with their Indonesian too.

Remote Learning Continues

Murphy assisting out onsite students
Murphy assisting out onsite students

We have everything crossed for a return to school on Wednesday. Although we have a couple of plans in place we are hoping to have our Foundation 100 days of School celebration and our Indonesian Day on Thursday. We are full steam ahead with our Lion King Senior School Production but have had to cancel/postpone some of our Senior Sporting events. Please keep an eye out on our Dates page.


Assembly features students work from our Senior School. Our students (with heaps of support form their families) continue to blow us away with their resilience, initiative and flexibility. A comment from one of our parents I would love to share on Remote Learning 

"I learnt from the first Lockdown I can't be the teacher but I can sure be the cheer squad." We all know how tough it is juggling everything you are doing as parents, employees and supporting remote learning on top. Plus following all the restrictions of the lock down. There will be days when lots of work gets completed and others not so much. Communication is key - let your child's teacher know your child may only make the check in on a particular day or if they are going to focus on one task in particular. If we continue with Remote Learning more detailed timetables will be given. We will also bring back our surveys so we can continue to tweak things.

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Parent/Teacher interviews (not Three-Way Conferences due to being held over the phone) are being held this week. Thank you to all the families that booked through Sentral if you haven't done so please contact Reception so we can book an interview for you. Sentral Bookings closed at 12.00pm today. 

Teachers will ring mainly from their phones - please be ready for a call from 'unknown number.'