Assistant Principal's Message

Maramba Vision

Providing a caring environment where aspirations are nurtured, positive relationships grow, success is celebrated and a passion for lifelong learning is ignited.

Nurture. Innovate. Celebrate.




Dear Students, Parents, Carers and Families,


Visual Arts and STEAM at Maramba


Our students' imagination and design skills have reached new limits during term 2 where their study of science has inspired them to create colourful and detailed artworks which are now being displayed in our corridors. Visual Arts is a learning area greatly enjoyed by all and it also provides an opportunity where students are able to express their social skills and ability to collaborate with others.




Foundation students finished off their Visual Art and STEAM class for term 2 with echidna sculptures and repeat pattern napkin art. To celebrate the end of their discovery project, they created Australian animal masks. 


Year 1 and 2: 

During term 2, our Year 1 and 2 students finished off Visual Art and STEAM activities linked to their Discovery topic of sustainability. Students constructed bugs using egg cartons and engineering their own legs, wings, and decorations. They also completed their symmetrical bug artworks that are being displayed in the main hallway. 


Year 3/4:

At the end of term 2, Year 3/4 students finished off their STEAM lessons for the term by researching an organ system of the human body and paraphrasing their information. They also worked on completing an art task linked to their Discovery topic of Inventions. 


Year 5/6:

Our Year 5/6 students learnt about the human body during term 3 which involved tracing, drawing, and labelling where all of the organs are! They are working towards completing their Pop Art Still Life drawings. 


Kind regards,


Diane Morwood

Assistant Principal