Religious Education News 

Mrs Maureen McDonald - RE Leader

MacKillop is the patron saint of Australia. 

Her feast day is celebrated on August 8.

St. Mary MacKillop, also known as St. Mary of the Cross, was an Australian nun declared a saint by the Catholic Church. She was born in Melbourne, on January 15, 1842. Mary passed away on August 8, 1909. 

Mary MacKillop was beatified on January 19, 1995 by Pope John Paul II and she was canonized on October 17, 2010 by Pope Benedict XVI, making her the first Australian saint.

The Universal Church recognises Mary as someone who lived a life of heroic goodness, born of her closeness to God and her love of all she met, particularly the poor and marginalised. The Church holds Mary, as a special companion and example for us in our own lives.

Words of Inspiration from Mary MacKillop

“We have all very much for which to thank and love God.” Mary MacKillop 27/6/1873

“Find happiness in making others happy.” Mary MacKillop 1899

“Whatever your troubles may be before you, accept them cheerfully, remembering whom you are trying to follow. Do not be afraid. Love one another, bear with one another, and let charity guide you in all your life.” Mary MacKillop 12/1/1909

“Think of Mother Mary MacKillop and learn from her to be a gift of love and compassion to one another, for all Australians and for the world”. Pope John Paul I January 1995


Loving God, we thank you for the example of Mary MacKillop who, in her living of the Gospel witnessed to the human dignity of each person. She faced life’s challenges with faith and courage. We pray through her intercession for our needs. May her holiness inspire us to be people of hope, love and forgiveness. We make this prayer through Jesus the Lord. 





On Tuesday 20th July we held an online Confirmation workshop facilitated by the Presentation Family Project. This evening provided opportunities for students and parents to explore the meaning of the Sacrament and enrich their understanding of Confirmation.

The celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Friday 10th September 2021 at 7:00pm in St Mary’s Church. Bishop Anthony Ireland will confer the Sacrament. 



The sacrament of Eucharist is offered to all baptised Catholic students in Year 3 and above. 

A family preparation night for Eucharist, facilitated by Presentation Family Project, will be held at school on Tuesday 17th August from 6:00pm - 7:00pm. The Eucharist faith night is a special evening, providing families with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. Students who are receiving the Sacrament are required to attend this evening with their parents. 

The following dates have been set for the student to receive their First Eucharist at the 

10:30am Parish Masses on, Sunday October 10th and Sunday October 17th.