Community News

Community News
A Messafe from Banyule Youth Services
Good morning everyone,
I hope you’re all enjoying the return to what feels like a slice of normality.
As most of you are aware Banyule Youth Services provides support to young people, families/carers and schools living, working, studying or socialising in the Banyule Municipality. Our service prides itself of being strengths-based, holistic support that is driven by the young people themselves to foster empowerment and independent living skills. Banyule Youth Services offer support for young people in the following contexts; one-to-one support, group social/interest based programs and school workshops.
Throughout the year we have seen an incredible amount of interests from local schools to work collaboratively with us and develop positive networks. I am eager to continue to strengthen these relationships and share ongoing information and resources that your teams and students may find valuable. As we all hope to return to face-to-face some students may struggle more than others in rebuilding social connections and reconnecting to their space.
Therefore, in this newsletter we’ve decided to spot light programs and workshops relevant to specific communities such as; LGBTQIAP+, CALD, First Nations and young people with additional needs
2021 Banyule Youth Survey
First and foremost we would like to share the importance of our 2021 Youth survey. This survey provides a platform for young people to tell us what they need and what is important to them. The results of this survey inform all of the work that we do, including how/what programs we run, school workshop content, ways to connect with young people and how they want to be heard. We are passionate about ensuring the voices of diverse groups are captured, particularly those who may not feel comfortable speaking in person, however the survey is valuable for all young people.
If you could please share this 2 minute survey with your students it would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, they all go into the draw to win amazing monthly prizes!
School Workshops
As you would all know all of Banyule Youth Services workshops are completely free and have been developed in response to needs identified by students and teachers.
Gender Equality
Our Gender Equality workshop introduces topics such as gender wage gap, unequal representation in employment/educational settings and gender based violence in a gentle and easy to understand approach. Young people are encouraged to reflect on their beliefs and how these may influence the way they interact with one another. This workshop is designed to consider Male/Female/Gender Diverse perspectives and explores ways that young people can contribute to positive change in their school and beyond.
Ditching Discrimination – LGBTQIA+ and Gender Non- Conformity (for teachers)
Wear it purple day is just around the corner (Aug 26) and this years theme is ‘start the conversation and keep it going.’ A theme designed to promote conversations regarding safe and inclusive spaces/support 365 days of the year. Our Ditching Discrimination workshop is designed to create a supportive and non-judgmental environment for teachers to develop their skills in inclusive language, supporting LGBTQI+ young people and the importance of intervening harmful behaviors. This workshop will equip teachers with knowledge of recent statistics, sector resources and practical tips to make schools and relationships safer places.
BYS has a broad scope of school workshop cover diverse topics. All workshops have been developed to be inclusive and appropriate for students of all ages, genders and abilities.
You can find more information about what Banyule Youth Services can offer you school on the attached brochure “Opportunities for secondary Schools in 2021”
To express interest in booking a free workshop please complete the form here:
We also have youth groups that young people can be a part of!
African Women’s Action Group (AWAG)African Women's Action Group (AWAG) is a group of ambitious Somali Australian young women who come together to inspire and empower their community to achieve success through promoting leadership and engagement. AWAG plan and host a wide range of events and activities to encourage young women from culturally diverse backgrounds to engage with their community and have their say. The group are well-known for their awareness raising activities at local events and festivals. AWAG is for young women of African descent with links to the Banyule Community aged 12-25 years. The group meets regularly in the West Heidelberg community and advocates for events such a the Women’s Only Slide night happening at Watermarc on 4th September 2021
Somali Boys and Girls
BYS recognises that Banyule is home to a large Somali community. We seek to empower this valuable community and break down stigmas and barrier towards them being able to fully enjoy their local area.
To do this, we have several inclusion employment opportunities – specifically available for members of the Somali community. Our current inclusion officer facilitates programs such as the Somali boys swimming program. This program supports more Somali boys & girls to become lifeguards and swimming instructors. We work with Life Saving Victoria to support them with swimming lessons and more advance training.
Another program running is the bike program & an online program through Zoom. The bike program teaches young Somali boys how to work on a bike whilst teaching them routes that they can take around Banyule. The online Zoom program is a 6-week program which teaches young Somali boys about Emotional Intelligence. This focuses on teaching various valuable skills and how these can be shared to others.
IncArt is a group of young creatives with varying interests and abilities exploring ways of expressing themselves through the visual arts. Each year INCART participants work together to develop exciting creative projects and ideas for Banyule’s events with a focus on YouthFest and the Youth Summit. Next term INCART will be working with guest artist Kim Lam (Dangerlam) to develop their own comic artworks.
IncArt participants are supported by qualified artists and youth workers who work with young people to develop their amazing talents and build confidence in their skills and abilities. IncArt is an inclusive and empowering program for young people with additional needs to connect, create and celebrate.
Dungeons and Dragons
Ever wondered about Dungeons & Dragons but don’t know where to start or what it really is???
Well, Banyule Youth Service runs a Dungeons & Dragons group and new members are always welcome! D&D is one of the most popular Role Playing Games (RPG) but there are loads out there and follow a similar gameplay. The basic role of RPG is storytelling – you go on a quest together with your own created character and guide the adventure in a created imaginary world led by your Dungeon Master (DM). Whilst not exclusive, BYS have found that a large proportion of the group identify with ASD and have found a community in which they feel safe and excited to connect through similar interests.
BYS D&D meets each month to run various Playing Games (RPG) including D&D, Warhammer & Magic the Gathering. If you have more questions or would like to check it out contact Lisa on 0427 833 321 or on Facebook
First Nations
BYS are eager to continue to support our First Nations young people in building connection and sharing their voice. Currently we are running a number of focus groups at local schools with a large number of First Nations young people. Our sessions are facilitated by our First Nations inclusion worker and are built around self-identified needs of young people. Would your school benefit from a workshop like this?
We also have a fun event coming up for young people aged 14-25 who identify as first nations. Running on the 19th August, BYS are offering a FREE session at Latitude. Young People get to attempt the GRID, West Heidelberg's very own Ninja Warrior course, eat great food and have a yarn to youth services staff. We want to hear what are the big things that worry First Nations young people, what they would like to see change and what they would like to see more of for young people in the community.
This event is FREE and includes access to Latitude, free food and drink and a take away goodie bag. Bookings are Essential
If you need more information please contact Jess Sayers 94579983 or 0428522656 or email
Rainbow Space
Rainbow Space is a fun and inclusive social group for young people aged 14-24 who identify as LGBTQIA+ friends or Ally’s. The group meets on Thursday nights from 4-7pm and encourages young people to meet other young people in their community whilst engaging in creative and/or advocacy based activities. The program is facilitated by two youth workers, and is a welcoming environment for all young people including those with sensory limitations, social anxiety, mental health concerns and complex behaviours – alongside those without.
Upcoming Webinar for Parents with Children who identify as LGBTQIA+
BYS are looking to facilitate and online forum to provide support, resources and guidance to parents with children who identify as LGBTQI+. The aim of this forum is to create a safe space for discussion, connection and empowerment as parents navigate their child’s experience of gender identity and sexuality. Please feel free to share this with any families, young people or networks you may believe would benefit from this opportunity.
We are looking forward to a working together to build a safer world for our LGBTQI+ Community.
BNYSN FREE Youth Worker Forum – Sex, consent and the ‘grey areas’
Please see attached information for the Banyule Nillumbik Youth Services Networks latest youth worker forum Sex, consent and the ‘grey areas’ with Jenny Walsh.
FREE online event
Wednesday 18th August 9.30am-11am
Bookings essential
More information available on the booking site
This session is FREE and targeted at those that work with young people, we do welcome parents/carers with a strong interest in this topic.