From the Principal Class

Principals' Day 2021 - Friday 6th August
On Thursday 5th August, we recognised our Principal Class team for Principals' Day.
We wanted to express our gratitude and appreciation for their care of our whole school community, as they continue to guide us through this challenging time.
We thanked them for their outstanding professionalism, genuine care and ongoing support, but particularly during these unprecedented times.
Our wonderful Year 12 College Captains Paris Bosschieter and Patrick Kennedy popped into our Teams staff briefing and acknowledged and thanked our Principal Class on behalf students and staff of the College.
Principal Report
Dear Viewbank Community,
At the time of writing this, we have just entered our sixth lockdown. There is a very palpable sense of lock down fatigue amongst our staff and students and a danger that some students will feel less motivated to engage in the learning program.
We are committed to continue to provide the best learning opportunities for all our students and support for those still needing catch up. The uncertain nature of 2021 has made this challenging, so your support at home is essential.
Several key things to maximize your student’s online learning experience:
- Make sure that students still have a good routine (awake and ready to go for online classes)
- They eat breakfast
- They are engaging positively in their online class for each period of the day and completing the set work
- They are getting fresh air and exercise
- Not too much screen time after school and their usual bedtime (no devices in the bedroom ensures better sleep).
I know that this is very common-sense, but we know that many of our students have started to develop some unhealthy habits.
Students who fall behind often become anxious and find it difficult to see a way to catch up. Our teachers will continue to work with students to support that catch-up.
A reminder that there are afternoon study sessions available once we are back onsite for any student who would like support with their learning.
The Senior School will soon be publishing information to parents and students about additional support for students across all subject areas on Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings.
College events:
In 2020, we were able to continue with many events over Teams.
The following key events will take place remotely again in semester 2:
- Subject selection interviews for Year 9 students and parents
- Parent Student Teacher conferences:
- Year 12 - August 17
- Years 7-11 - October 20
Details for booking interview times will be released shortly for the subject selection interviews and Year 12 conferences.
*Please note that College Council has approved an early finish for all students at 1.30 on Tuesday, August 17th. This is to allow teachers to conduct conferences for Year 12 students and parents at a crucial point in the year for these students.College Production
It is with great sadness that I have had to make the difficult decision to cancel the College production as a public event. We will continue to schedule performances as soon as possible, with our current students and staff having the opportunity to be a live audience.
There are many different things that I have had to factor into making the decision, including the toll on year 12 students, staff workload, Covid uncertainty and safety.
We genuinely want to acknowledge the incredible work that has gotten production to this stage. To all cast, crew, orchestra, and staff – thankyou. I know how bitterly disappointing this is following the cancellation of Grease last year.
Return onsite:
We are hopeful that this lockdown is short-lived and that students will return onsite on Friday, August 13th. A reminder to ensure students understand the rules around mask-wearing and other safety measures.
There are a small number of students still attending the College in incorrect uniform. Despite warnings, they are wearing hoodies, black socks, incorrect footwear, and PE uniform on incorrect days.
The uniform is an important part of demonstrating connection and pride in being part of the Viewbank Community and most students wear their uniform correctly. We will be following up with students on return.
Please ensure that your student has the correct uniform and is wearing it to school. Contact your Head of House or House Leader if you need support with this or any other matter.
Take care, stay safe
Principal Class Team
Sharon Grimes, Principal
Emma Ford, Assistant Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Jackson Moloney, Acting Assistant Principal