Principal's News

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Welcome back to Term 2!


I hope your Easter break provided opportunities to relax and reinvigorate yourselves in body, mind and spirit, and that your Easter celebrations were full of joy. As Christians, we celebrate our belief that, beyond all expectations, ‘The Lord has risen indeed’ (Lk 24: 34).



On Tuesday, we marked Anzac Day, one of our most important national days of commemoration. On this day, we remember and honour all those who have served in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping operations around the world, including the first Anzacs who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during World War I.


My thanks go to our School Captains and Vice Captains for particpating in the Anzac Day service in Rosebud  and laying a wreath on behalf of our school. It was wonderful to see so many of our students and families at this community service.

Yesterday, we also had a gathering at school led by our school leaders. Our students honoured, remembered, thanked and renewed connections with those who have served. A big thank you to our PFA members Lisa Farrelly, Amy Jobling, Mel Semple and Amanda Temple for cooking delicious ANZAC  bisuits for our students and staff.


I have been in contact with Donna from Stir Crazy regarding commencement at Fatima. She is still looking for the right person to take on the role. I'll pass on any updates when they come through.


Special Announcement

I am delighted to share with you all that Mrs Beth Wilcourt and her husband James are expecting their first child in October. God has showered them with many beautiful blessings and the best is yet to come. Please keep them in your prayers.



Last week we had our tram delivered - it is definitely an attraction! Please know that restoration and external stairs need to be built prior to students having access. There is a little more waiting time, however we know it will be worth it.

Winter Uniform 

Please be advised that Term 2 starts the commencement of student swearing their winter uniform.


Here's to a successful and positive Term 2 for everyone! 

Go gently 


Sarah McDermott
