Principal's Message

Mr Cameron Jones

Wow, time really flies when you're having fun! It's hard to believe that we've reached the last newsletter of the term, and what a way to finish! Today, we had a fun run, tomorrow 28 students will be joining me for the Principal's Morning Tea, on Wednesday we have the ANZAC Day ceremony, and on Thursday we'll have the Easter Hat Parade. We hope that you'll be able to join us for some of these events; you can find the exact times and locations in the upcoming events section of the newsletter. 


I am immensely proud of the effort and desire to improve that the students have shown in the classroom. Over the past few weeks, I have had the pleasure of teaching lessons to 4B, 5J, and 1P, and all the students have certainly exhibited these characteristics! I look forward to working my way around the school to other classrooms next term.



I would like to sincerely thank the entire community for your efforts in supporting the P&C fun run. The students have had a fantastic time today and the amount of money raised has been nothing short of amazing. It will ensure that our students continue to enjoy the best facilities and experiences whilst at Roselea PS. I would like to give a special shout out to Sara G who has been the driving force and coordinator of the event. All the effort and planning certainly paid off today! Well done. 



All community members are welcomed and encouraged to come along to our ANZAC Day assembly on Wednesday 5th April. It is such a special day in our school calendar. The assembly will start at 9.30am and we will then have a morning tea for any community members in attendance. We hope you can join us. 



Parents and carers are now able to book in for a school tour through our website. I will be running these tours every Friday morning from 9.30-10.00am and they are open to both current and prospective parents. If you have friends or neighbours who want to know more about Roselea PS, please direct them to this link to book in a date: 



Finally, thank you for your continued support this term. I am very proud of the efforts and achievements of our students and staff and I know we have laid a strong foundation for another fantastic year at Roselea. I wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday break. 




Principal Bronze Awards